17 slides |
Heat Safety
On the average, 384 people die each year from heat stroke. Heat related injuries seem to occur often with the elderly; people who are not in good physical condition; or acclimatized to the heat.
 15 slides |
Heat Stress - The Heat is On
Although heat-related illness and death are readily preventable, exposure to extremely high temperatures caused an annual average of 381 deaths in the US during 1979-96. |
 22 slides |
Heat Stress
The average person takes about 5-7 days to adjust to hot weather. On the first day of work in a hot environment the body temperature, pulse rate and general discomfort will be higher. As the days go on, the body will become acclimated to the temperature. |
 13 slides |
Summer Heat: How Hot Was It?
A mostly humorous look at what most of us have to put up with during hot summer months. |
 33 slides |
Toolbox presentation: Heat Stress
This presentation is based on content presented at the Exploration Safety Roadshow held in August 2009. It is made available for non-commercial use (e.g. toolbox meetings) subject to the condition that the PowerPoint file is not altered without permission from Resources Safety.
 24 slides |
Limiting Heat Burden While Wearing
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Working in the harsh conditions in West Africa and other risk factors, including wearing PPE, puts healthcare workers at risk for heat-related illnesses.
 25 slides |
Calculating heat stress index from routine weather station data
In order to measure the effect of climate change on worker productivity a heat stress index that incorporates temperature, humidity, wind speed and solar radiation is needed.
 35 slides |
Battle the Heat! - Heat Stress Prevention
Heat stress is the name given to a number of illnesses caused when the body heats up and cannot cool down. These range from the more minor heat fatigue to the life threatening heat stroke.
 33 slides |
Heat Stress
From the North Carolina DOL: Heat stress is the sum of environmental and metabolic heat loads on an individual minus the heat loss to the environment, primarily through evaporation.
 33 slides |
Physiological Monitoring for Heat Stress Management
Every worker who works in extraordinary conditions that increase the risk of heat stress should be personally monitored. These conditions include wearing semipermeable or impermeable clothing when the temperature exceeds 21°C (69.8°F), working at extreme metabolic loads (greater than 500 kcal/hour), etc.
 18 slides |
Heat Stress
Heat is by far the number one killer of all weather events. Presentation from the U.S. Navy. |
 16 slides |
Heat Illness: Matter of Life or Death
Heat is the leading weather-related killer in the US- more than hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, lightning or any other weather event combined.