2.6 Mb |
DUI Breath Test
This poor fellow is having more trouble with the "show me your drivers license" portion of this exam. |
 1.2 Mb |
Field Sobriety Test
Not quite up to the part where he takes the test, this DUI suspect shows why he was stopped. |
 2.9 Mb |
How Many Beers Does It Take?
While partying, this brave and trusting idiot allows his friend to drive a golf ball from a tee held in his mouth. |
 586 Kb |
Instant DUI
This hapless drunk is handed a breathalyzer and attempts to drink from it. |
 4.2 Mb |
Jungle Alcohol (English)
Substance abuse in the animal kingdom. Very funny. |
 5.9 Mb |
Jungle Alcohol (Foreign)
Substance abuse in the animal kingdom. Very funny. (longer version, even funnier) |
 4.3 Mb |
Scissor Lift DUI
This intoxicated guy decided to take the scissor lift for a ride - not sure to where he's bound. |
 865 Kb |
Too much to drink
All this poor girl wants to do is throw-up and get back to the party. |
 1.6 Mb |
The Marijuana's on fire
Firefighter is interviewed after responding to fire involving marijuana plants. |
 3.8 Mb |
The Drunkest Guy Ever
In-store video of a really drunk guy attemting to purchase another 6-pack of beer. |
 1.7 Mb |
DUI Advertisement
Moving video warning against driving under the inflence. |
 902 Kb |
Field Sobriety Test
Humorous video which includes a field sobriety test for motorists in the UK. |
 1.5 Mb |
News Reporter Gets High
This reporter get a little too close to his subject - burning cocoa leaves and marijuana. |