57 slides |
Application of Health Communication Theories
Probes the benefits of the use of hearing protection. |
 45 slides |
Effective Noise Control During Nighttime Construction
The goal is to minimize construction’s impact on abutting residents and businesses. |
 34 slides |
Health Standards for Occupational Noise Exposure
46,000 miners at risk of developing material impairment of hearing. |
 44 slides |
Hearing Conservation
More than 30 million Americans are exposed to hazardous sound levels on a regular basis. |
 18 slides |
Hearing Conservation
Discusses the elements which make up a hearing conservation program. |
 27 slides |
Hearing Conservation
Designed for industries regulated by OSHA, this presentation discusses the legal requirements of hearing conservation. |
 67 slides |
Hearing Conservation
Designed for industries regulated by OSHA, this presentation discusses the legal requirements of hearing conservation. |
 70 slides |
Hearing Conservation in the Construction Industry
Presentation from People First that covers Hearing Conservation for the construction industry. |
 22 slides |
Hearing Conservation Program
Discusses the elements which make up a hearing conservation program. |
 19 slides |
Hearing Loss
The ear of an average, healthy, young adult can respond to frequencies in the range of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. |
 11 slides |
Effects of Noise
Although noise-induced hearing loss is one of the most common occupational illnesses, it is often ignored because there are no visible effects, it usually develops over a long period of time, and except in very rare cases, there is no pain. |
 50 slides |
Hearing Conservation Training
More than 30 million Americans are exposed to hazardous sound levels on a regular basis. |
 19 slides |
Guess the Decibel Level
Asks the audience to guess the decibel level of common tools and equipment. |
 58 slides |
MSHA Standards for Occupational Noise Exposure
Noise induced hearing loss is among the top ten work-related illnesses according to NIOSH. |
 34 slides |
Noise Exposure At Work
Probes the benefits of the use of hearing protection. |
 28 slides |
Noise Monitoring & Your Hearing Conservation
The louder the noise, the more hazardous it is. Also, the longer the exposure time, the more hazardous the noise is. |