How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Back Safety Awareness Another EHS Dashboard from the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program.
1 slide
Back Safety Awareness Another EHS Dashboard from the OSHA Voluntary Protection Program.
14 slides
Back Injury Prevention - A Miners Story We have all been instructed on proper lifting techniques and back injury prevention. It's up to you - Pay attention and live these common sense rules.
26 slides
Back Safety Back injuries are caused most often by lifting, moving and restraining loads. Overall, our employees typically experience 650 such injuries each year making it the second major cause of our workplace injuries.
Back Safety and Safe Lifting Discusses precautions and techniques that can be carried out in the workplace to avoid back injury. This presentation is similar in content
with "back[1].ppt".
27 slides
Back Safety I Discusses back injury and injury prevention, and lifting techniques.
48 slides
Ergonomics - Back Safety Discusses precautions and techniques that can be carried out in the workplace to avoid back injury.
23 slides
Lifting Techniques Discusses precautions and techniques that can be carried out in the workplace to avoid back injury.
22 slides
Manual Handling This presentation, from Heritage Group Safety, examines safe lifting techniques.
6 slides
Safe Lifting A short presentation on safe lifting techniques.
22 slides
Safe Lifting Back injuries account for nearly 20% of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace.
39 slides
Manual Handling: An Introduction Discusses precautions and techniques that can be carried out in the workplace to avoid back injury.
Healthcare and Wellness PowerPoint Presentation Resources Browse these additional heathcare and wellness related categories for more PowerPoint resources.