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Substance Abuse in the Workplace For Supervisors
Objectives - You will be able to:
- Identify the harmful effects of substance abuse in the workplace
- Enforce requirements of our policy and
the law
- Recognize signs of an abuse problem
- Take effective steps to assist employees in getting help, while protecting other workers and the organization
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Adult Alcohol Awarness
Alcohol is the most widely used drug in America. Currently, nearly 18 million adult Americans abuse alcohol or are alcoholic.
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Opioid Treatment Programs and Medication Assisted Treatment
Medication-assisted treatment (MAT), including opioid treatment programs (OTPs), combines behavioral therapy and medications to treat substance use disorders. Medications, when used in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, provide a whole-patient approach to the treatment of opioid dependency to help people reduce or quit their use of heroin or other opiates.
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Responding to the Prescription Opioid and Heroin Crisis
To bring the epidemic to an end, we must prevent new cases of opioid addiction, and we must ensure access to treatment for people already addicted.
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Maryland Local Overdose Fatality Review Team Program
Opioid related addiction and overdose affects between 26.4 million and 36 million people worldwide.
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Arizona’s Public Health Response to the Opioid Epidemic
Strongest risk factor for heroin addiction is addiction to Rx opioid pain relievers. Those addicted to Rx pain relievers are 40X more likely to be addicted to heroin.
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Fighting Prescription Drug Abuse
Every day in the United States, 44 people die as a result of a prescription opioid overdose.
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First Responder Overdose Response Training
Sales of opioids and death rates have been on a steady incline since 1999, fortunately, so has treatment admissions. Opioid addiction has been recognized as a problem and treatment for addiction has increased, naloxone is a form of harm reduction to prevent people from dying from an overdose and hopefully get them into treatment after.
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Drug and Alcohol Abuse
An estimated 1.3 million Americans suffer from alcohol or substance abuse. Companies lose billions of dollars a year due to employees with substance abuse problems.
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Keeping America’s Mines Alcohol and Drug Free
Many communities where substance abuse is a significant problem are the same communities where mining is the predominant industry. |
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How to Develop a Legally Sound Drug & Alcohol Testing Policy to Minimize Injuries in Your Workplace
Presentation from Attorney Adele Abrams on the subject of substance abuse from a legal perspective. |
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Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Program
Thru this program, the company acknowledges the problem of substance abuse (including alcohol) in our society, and that substance abuse poses a serious threat to all aspects of the company.
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Alcohol in Energy Drinks
Public health and safety officials have become alarmed by the newest entry into the world of alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic energy drinks are prepackaged beverages that contain not only alcohol but also caffeine and other stimulants. |
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Alcohol in Energy Drinks
At 23˝ ounces and 9.9 percent alcohol, a single can of JOOSE is the equivalent of three beers and eight cups of coffee.
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Developing a Compliant Drug and Alcohol Education Program
Discussion on the requirements of 49 CFR Part 655. |
 58 slides |
Drugs and Alcohol Have No Place in the Mines!
Crystal Methamphetamine is a highly addictive man-made stimulant that can cause – rapid heart rate; increased blood pressure; damage to small blood vessels in the brain; and inflammation of the heart lining. |
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Employee Education
At the end of the training, employees should be familiar with the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse.
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Supervisor Training
Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor
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One Drink Too Many
Alcohol-related crashes are the No. 1 cause of death among Americans between ages 18 and 30. |