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Sample Drug-Free Workplace Policy
These pages contain a sample drug-free workplace policy. Portions of this policy were created using elaws from the Department of Labor’s website.
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Patterns of Abuse Among Unintentional Pharmaceutical Overdose Fatalities
To evaluate the risk characteristics of persons dying of unintentional pharmaceutical overdose in West Virginia, the types of drugs involved, and the role of drug abuse in the deaths.
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Appalachia High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
The wide availability of prescription opioid pain relievers throughout the region has led to high levels of abuse and associated adverse consequences.
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West Virginia Summit on Prescription Drug Abuse
On February 25, 2011, more than 200 people from across the Mountain State convened for a one-day summit on the issue. The event was co-hosted by U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin and Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, with key participation from the West Virginia Partnership to Promote Community Well-Being, the West Virginia Prevention Resource Center, the West Virginia Division of Justice and Community Services, and the Appalachia High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA).
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McDowell County 2015 Community Health Assessment
The purpose of this Community Health Assessment is to describe the health status of the community to provide direction for the planning of disease prevention and health promotion services and activities.
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Opioid Addiction: 2016 Facts & Figures
Drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death in the US, with 52,404 lethal drug overdoses in 2015. Opioid addiction is driving this epidemic, with 20,101 overdose deaths related to prescription pain relievers, and 12,990 overdose deaths related to heroin in 2015.
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Generic Drug Free Workplace Guidelines
This template is not an NSSGA work product, nor is it endorsed by NSSGA. This template is offered in the spirit of operator cooperation by Martin Stone Quarries, Inc.
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Observed Behavior Reasonable Suspicion Record
Form to record employee observed behavior for reasonable suspicion for the use of alcohol or controlled substances.
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Alcohol Energy Drink List
In many ways Alcoholic Energy Drinks in appearance are similar to the “hardcore” energy drinks. It’s all about marketing - and many of these drinks look just like a typical energy drink.
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Commonly Abused Drugs
From NIDA and www.drugabuse.gov, here's a chart loaded with information of the most commonly abused drugs.
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Kentucky Drug Threat Assessment
Flyer about prescription drugs, including OxyContin.
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Reasonable Suspicion Checklist
When there is reasonable suspicion that an employee at work is unfit for duty, the supervisor or manager observing the behavior as well as another supervisor/manager as witness, if possible, must complete the checklist included here.
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Reasonable Suspicion Checklist
Less detail than the form above, this document also allows the supervisor or manager observing the behavior to record same.
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Drug Test Consent Form
Consent for pre-employment, random or reasonable suspicion drug test and release covenant not to sue and indemnity agreement.
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Reasonable Suspicion Testing Process
Sample reasonable suspicion testing process used by Ohio State University.
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Reasonable Suspicion Testing Consent Form
Sample reasonable suspicion consent form used by Ohio State University.
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Defining “Reasonable Suspicion” of Employee Drug Use
Reasonable suspicion is quantum of knowledge sufficient to induce [an] ordinarily prudent and cautious man under circumstances to believe criminal activity is at hand.
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Supervisory Guidelines for Reasonable Suspicion Alcohol and Drug Testing
These guidelines are intended to assist you in performing your responsibilities as a manager or supervisor and to outline your duties under University rules governing alcohol and drug testing.
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Washington Post Article on Drugs
Published Jan. 13, 2008, titled Miners Caught in Western Va's Spiraling Rates of Painkiller Abuse.
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