CDC Reopening Guidelines
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a set of documents on Thursday designed to provide guidance on how childcare centers, schools, restaurants and bars, and other establishments could begin the process of reopening in the face of coronavirus. The direction comes after calls from lawmakers and state officials mounted for the CDC to weigh in on how regions should reopen their economies.
The decision tools the agency released recommend that all workplaces hold off on reopening unless they are ready to protect employees at higher risk for severe illness, including those 65 and older and people of all ages with underlying medical conditions.
Self-Quarantine Tips and Best Practices
In light of the rise in cases of the Coronavirus (CoVid-19), here are several documents from a variety of sources whcih contain useful information regard self-quaratining or self-isolation.
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Heat Related Injuries/Illnesses
Heat is the No. 2 weather-related killer in the United States (206), greater than hurricanes (9), floods (113), and lightning strikes (26) combined. Only tornadoes had more fatalities (553). |
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Safety Talk: H1N1 Flu
Safety talk information from MSHA on the H1N1 flu.
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Safety Talk: H1N1 Flu
Safety talk information from MSHA on the H1N1 flu.
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Safety Talk: H1N1 Flu
Safety talk information from MSHA on the H1N1 flu.
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Cold Stress and Wind Chill
January is the height of the cold season and we’re not talking about sniffles and sneezes, but the reality of working outdoors in freezing conditions, coupled with wind and driving snow. Working outdoors in winter is often more than uncomfortable. It can be life-threatening if hypothermia sets in.
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Are you prepared for the Fall?
CDC presentation on the H1N1 flu.
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Health and Safety Challenges for Engineers
Featured article in this Aug. 2008 issue of the newsletter from the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
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Urine Color Chart
This urine color chart is a simple tool your can use to assess if you are drinking enough fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated.
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Health Humor
Humorous take on diet and physical fitness.
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Health and Wellness Handout
Covers a broad spectrum of things good and bad for your health.
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Heart Alert Chart
Chart establishes 3 zones for good heart health.
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Clothes Cleaning Process
Contaminated worker clothing has been identified as a source of exposure to respirable dust. If this respirable dust contains silica, it may cause the worker to develop silicosis, an irreversible lung disease. NIOSH and Unimin Corporation, the largest manufacturer of silica sand in the United States, have developed a clothes cleaning system that is able to clean dusty work clothes throughout the workday.
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Year-End Health Quiz
Test your health IQ with this 10 question quiz.
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Sodium in Drinking Water
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture recommend that Americans reduce their sodium intake. Too much sodium intake in food and water has been identified as a contributor to high blood pressure.