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Heat Stress in Underground Metalliferous Mines
Heat stress occurs when the body’s means of controlling its internal temperature starts to fail. Air temperature, humidity, air flow, work rate, acclimatisation, radiant temperature and clothing (including personal protective equipment) are all factors that can contribute to heat stress.
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Heat Related Injuries/Illnesses
Heat is the #2 weather-related killer in the United States (206), greater than hurricanes (9), floods (113), and lightning strikes (26) combined. Only tornadoes had more fatalities (553).
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Heat Stress
A factor that predisposes an individual to heat fatigue is lack of acclimatization. The signs and symptoms of heat fatigue include impaired performance of skilled sensorimotor, mental, or vigilance jobs.
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Heat Stress
Internally generated metabolic heat is carried to the surface of the body via the blood stream. If the ambient temperature is below body temperature, any excess heat is dissipated from the skin to the air through convection.
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Learn the Signs of Heat-Related Illnesses
An article from the NCDOL Labor Ledger on the dangers of high temperatures at home, work and play. Contains several links to other excellent resources. |
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Hot Weather Precautions
Hot weather precautions to reduce the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
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Heat Wave Safety Checklist
In recent years, excessive heat has caused more deaths than all other weather events, including floods. A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity. Generally, temperatures are 10 degrees or more above the average high temperature for the region during summer months, last for a long period of time and occur with high humidity as well.
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Urine Color Chart
This urine color chart is a simple tool your can use to assess if you are drinking enough fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated.
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Heat Exhaustion
The majority of the body is made up of water which comprises up to 75% of the body's weight.
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Malignant Hyperthermia Crisis
Successful management of malignant hyperthermia depends upon early diagnosis and treatment; onset can be within minutes of induction or may be insidious.
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Hyperthermia and Dehydration-Related Deaths
Three previously healthy collegiate wrestlers in different states died while each was engaged in a program of rapid weight loss to qualify for competition. In the hours preceding the official weigh-in, all three wrestlers engaged in a similar rapid weight-loss regimen that promoted dehydration through perspiration and resulted in hyperthermia.
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Environmental Hyperthermia
Hyperthermia is a medical emergency with the degree and duration being predictors of outcome.