IG 115, Module 2, Mine Gases,
22 pages, 821 Kb
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click here.
For the Questions and Answers Only, click here,
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Mine Gas Properties and Facts
Contains properties and facts on all the gases commonly found in underground coal mines including Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Sulfur Dioxide, Hydrogen Sulfide, and Hydrogen.
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Mine Gas Questions and Answers
Contains 120 questions and answers on all the gases commonly found in underground coal mines.
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Gases Found in Coal Mines
Miners' Circular 14 - It should be the aim of every miner to learn all he can about the dangers that surround him in his daily work. Knowing these dangers he has a better chance to protect his own life and the lives of his fellow men. Among the dangers that threaten the coal miner are those due to the presence of gases that escape from the coal, or are produced by mine fires and explosions, or by the reaction between mine air and the coal. This document originally published by the Bureau of Mines in 1914.
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An illustrated history of the miners' safety lamp
Mark Carlyle, Curator of Industry at the National Coal Mining Museum for England, gives a brief history of the miners' safety lamp.
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Mine Gases - The Collection
Collection of 107 questions with answers on nine gases commonly present in undergound metal and nonmetal, and coal mines. Each gas is also available as a PowerPoint Presentation.
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Bulletin 72 - Occurrence of Explosive Gases in Coal Mines
This report presents the results of an investigation begun ny the government in the summer of 1907, the investigation being started under the immediate supervision of Dr. J. A. Holmes and continued under him as director after it was transferred to the Bureau of Mines in 1910, the field studies being completed in the spring of 1912.
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OSHA Quick Card - Hydrogen Sulfide
Pocket card from OSHA loaded with facts about the dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide gas.
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Carbon Monoxide Facts (OSHA)
Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces oxygen in the blood and
deprives the heart, brain, and other vital organs of oxygen. Large amounts of CO can overcome you in minutes without warning causing you to lose consciousness and suffocate.
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Hydrogen Gas Safety
This self-study course is intended to provide hydrogen gas users with the fundamental awareness necessary to minimize the risk of accident or injury due to human error.
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Long-term effects on the olfactory system of Exposure to Hydrogen Sulfide
Technical article about the effects of exposure to H2S.
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Explosion Hazards From Methane Emissions
Explosions in U.S. coal mines have caused death and injury to miners and destruction of workings since the first reported explosion in 1810. These explosions are caused when buildups of explosive gas and/or dust in the mine are ignited by the presence of a flame or spark. Methane gas is inherently generated and held by adsorption in coal and is normally liberated during mining.
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Mine Gases (MNM)
Designed for Metal and Nonmetal, this lengthy presentation details information about mine gases.
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Carbon Monoxide Safety
Often called the silent killer, carbon monoxide is an invisible, odorless, colorless gas created when fuels (such as gasoline, wood, coal, natural gas, propane, oil, and methane) burn incompletely. In the home, heating and cooking equipment that burn fuel can be sources of carbon monoxide.
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Physiological Responses to Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide in the Breathing Environment
Variations in gas concentrations from that normally found in the atmosphere at sea level can have significant influences on human physiology.
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Mine Gases
This is Section 1 on Mine Gases, taken from the Utah Test Preparation Study Guide for Underground Mine Foreman. This document can be viewed in its entirety under Mining Laws.
Mine Rescue Training Video Resources
Browse these additional categories related to Mine Rescue Training for more Video resources.
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Mine Gases
Mine gases and their detection is discussed. This presentation, from the PA Bureau of Mine Safety is appropriate for all mine training programs.
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Hydrogen Sulfide Fact Sheet
Important information about this very toxic mine gas, hydrogen sulfide (H2S).
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Diesel Aerosols and Gases in Underground Mines
The extensive use of diesel-powered equipment in underground mines makes it challenging to control workers exposure to submicron aerosols and noxious gases emitted by those engines. In order to protect workers, mines need to establish a comprehensive program based on a multifaceted and integrated approach.
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Making Sense of Mining - Mine Gases
Vintage UK document on mine gases and gas detection including information about the flame safety lamp.
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Coal Mine Gas Chart
Mine gas chart containing all pertinent information related to gases commonly found in underground coal mines.
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Metal and Nonmetal Mine Gas Chart
Mine gas chart containing all pertinent information related to gases commonly found in underground metal and nonmetal mines.
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Characteristics of Hydrogen Sulfide Gas
Single sheet, scanned copy of a page containing the characteristics of Hydrogen Sulfide. This text can also be found as part of the overview of the Barnett Complex Mine Asphyxiations which occurred on April 12, 1971 in Rosiclare, Illinois killing 7 miners.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions from a Typical Passenger Vehicle
A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.7 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. This number can vary based on a vehicle's fuel, fuel economy, and the number of miles driven per year.

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report: 1990-2014
The EPA develops an annual report called the Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks (Inventory). This report tracks total annual U.S. emissions and removals by source, economic sector, and greenhouse gas going back to 1990.

Much, much more on Mine Gases
Here you'll find a storehouse of information on mine gases, including:
questions and answers,
physical properties,
specific gravities, and
basic principles. Plus, there are seventeen online tests for you to take.
Mine Rescue Training PowerPoint Resources
Browse these additional categories related to Mine Rescue Training for more PowerPoint resources.
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