How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
For more on mine disasters in the United States since 1839, visit here,
and visit here for vintage news on the evolution of mine safety in the US.
Penn State Miner Training Program Materials:
Do You Understand Mine Emergencies? Are You Prepared for a Mine Emergency?
The training program, titled, "Do you understand mine emergencies? Are you prepared for a mine emergency?" was prepared to help miners deal with mine emergencies. The purpose of the training program is to improve a miner’s capability to survive a mine emergency, primarily through mine emergency preparedness (MEP).
This training program consists of six training modules and supplemental materials. Each module has an Instructor’s Guide and a Participant’s Guide and a corresponding PowerPoint presentation that address major mine emergency preparedness issues.
NOTE: The PowerPoint presentations are formatted or prepared in the style of "talking points." For maximum effectiveness, the instructor/trainer needs to study the accompanying Instructor Guide, and become thoroughly familiar with the details of instruction. We also encourage you to revise these slides to fit the circumstances at your mine.
NIOSH Product: Mine Emergency Escape Training (MEET) MEET uses a virtual immersive environment to create an underground coal mine escape experience focusing on knowledge of escape procedures while utilizing judgment and decision making skills. While NIOSH uses MEET as a research tool, others can use it in new miner, annual refresher, or emergency response training.
Mine Rescue Training Adobe PDF Resources Browse these additional categories related to Mine Rescue Training for more Adobe PDF resources.
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