Part 75 Exam Rule Calculator It’s a tool to calculate a mine’s violation rate for nine key health and safety standards for underground coal mines. These nine standards were identified in MSHA’s Part 75 Exam Rule implemented in 2012 requiring examinations and record keeping by mine operators.
The UK Mines Regulations 2014 The Mine Regulations 2014 came into force on April 6, 2015, and replaced all previous mine-specific health and safety legislation. This guide is particularly relevant to mine operators but can also be useful to others within the mining industry. This publication provides practical advice and guidance on what you have to do to comply with the Mines Regulations 2014. It also directs the reader to other general health and safety regulations that apply at mines and gives additional guidance where appropriate.
Coal Mine Health and Safety Act Signed On December 30, 1969, President Richard Nixon signed into law the Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act. Since the Monongah mine disaster in Marion County more than 60 years earlier, Congress had been passing laws to address coal mine safety. However, most were filled with loopholes or lacked funding for enforcement. See more.
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