Mine Disaster Markers, and Memorials
We invite you to take a tour around this great country to view dedicated mine disaster markers, memorials, and monuments we've collected. Events between the years 1869 - 2010 are included.
Anthracite Mine Accident Victims 1899-1932
Great genealogy resource! These files contain alphabetical listings of all fatal and nonfatal accident victims in Anthracite mining from 1899-1932.
Follow this link for accident and fatality resources for other states.
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Historical Summary of MSHA S Mine Emergency Operations (MEO) Program
"The Sheppton Mine Disaster marked the first recorded event of a man being rescued by use of a borehole drilled into a mine in the United States." Note: The above claim by the author may be in error when you examine the rescue of 14 miners from the Shakespeare Placer gold mine cave-in at Dome Creek, Alaska in 1911.
Mine Disasters in the United States
Mammoth library containing information on all mine disasters in the US since 1839.
Successful Mine Rescues and Mine Rescuer Deaths
Documents containing the results of research of successful mine rescues and incidents of mine rescuer deaths in the United States. These compiled lists can't be found anywhere else in the world.
- Successful Mine Rescues - Listed in descending chronological order, this file contains the numerous successful rescues in the United States.
- Incidents of Rescuer Death - Listed in descending chronological order, this file contains the numerous incidents of rescuer death in the United States.
Red Cross Resources
The American Red Cross has created this Disaster and Safety Library to assist you in preparing your home, school and workplace in the event of a disaster or emergency.
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Mine Inundation-Case Histories
This paper outlines the causes of inundation in underground mining operations together with a brief account of accidental inundation in a range of mining and geological conditions. Statutory provisions to control inundation in various countries are outlined and a risk management approach to solve water danger is suggested.
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Remembering Scotia
On March 9, 1976, an explosion at the Scotia Mine in Oven Fork, Kentucky, took the lives of 15 miners. Two days later, on March 11, eleven more died in a second explosion. We thank Bob Cornett, retired MSHA District 3 Manager, for allowing us to share his firsthand account of the Scotia coal mine disaster
as it unfolded. MORE
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Blood and Coal
A time of utter greed on coal profit and little regard to coal miners. Locomotives, household fireplaces, steam plants, and industries burned coal for fuel and energy to run water, electricity, and heating. Coal fueled the nation.
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Washington State Mining Fatalities
Alphabetical digest of Washington State mining fatalities from 1885-1960.
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Escape from Farmington No. 9 - An Oral History
The primary purpose of this training module is to emphasize, to both new, inexperienced miners as well as veterans, important issues related to self-rescue and escape procedures.
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Psychological Issues in Escape, Rescue, and Survival in the Wake of Disaster
NIOSH report by George S. Everly, Jr., PhD., Paul Perrin, and George S. Everly, III.
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Underground Coal Mine Disasters from 1900-2010
This paper captures almost 110 years of history of underground coal mine disasters in the United States. The authors examine the changing trends in mine disasters including the frequency of fatalities, causal types, the responses to those disasters and most importantly, the growing body of research on human behavior in mine emergencies.
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Major Disasters at Metal and Nonmetal Mines and Quarries in the United States
Data have been assembled on accidents from all causes in these mines and quarries from the earliest available information (describing an underground mine fire in Nevada in 1869) to the last reported major accident (a fire at a company-owned bunkhouse in Arizona in 1945).
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Loss of Life Among Wearers of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
This Bureau of Mines information circular provides information showing that from 1911 to 1940, inclusive, 26 men lost their lives while wearing oxygen breathing apparatus in this country.
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Graphic: Quecreek Mine Rescue
This is one of several graphics used by the news media during the Quecreek Mine Rescue.
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Graphic: Quecreek Mine Rescue
This is one of several graphics used by the news media during the Quecreek Mine Rescue.
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Graphic: Quecreek Mine Rescue
This is one of several graphics used by the news media during the Quecreek Mine Rescue.
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Graphic: Quecreek Mine Rescue
This is one of several graphics used by the news media during the Quecreek Mine Rescue.
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Focused on Activity or Results?
Centralia Mine Disaster: This article addresses a topic that the author has thought about for many years. The author believes that looking at this accident 60 years after it occurred will provide lessons that will be relevant and long-lasting.
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Explosion Effects on Mine Ventilation Stoppings
NIOSH and MSHA conducted joint research to evaluate explosion blast effects on typical U.S. mine ventilation stoppings in the NIOSH Pittsburgh Research Laboratory s (PRL) Lake Lynn Experimental Mine (LLEM). An innovative Australian-designed brattice stopping was also evaluated.
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The Cherry Mine Disaster of 1909
The rest of the story as told by George S. Rice. MORE
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Historical Documentation of Major Coal Mine Disasters in the U.S. Not Classified as Explosions of Dust or Gas
USBM Bulletin 616: self explanatory.
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Historical Summary of Coal-Mine Explosions in the United States, 1810-1958
USBM Bulletin 586: self explanatory.
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Crosby Courier Front Page
Front page of Minnesota's Crosby Courier about the Milford Mine Inundation where 41 miners were killed on February 5,
1924. MORE
Mine Rescue Training Video Resources
Browse these additional categories related to Mine Rescue Training for more Video resources.