Mine Rescue Contest Problems and Written Exams
Your preeminent location for mine rescue contest problems and written examinations from 2012 to the present. Plus, we have an excellent area containing the Past Champions from the National Mine Rescue Contests.
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Successful Mine Rescues
Listed in descending chronological order, this file contains more than 1,350 successful rescues in the United States. Also contains additional information links located at usminedisasters.com. In a separate 108-page document, download our collection of Pennsylvania Mine Rescues.
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Incidents of Mine Rescuer Deaths
Listed in descending chronological order, this file contains more than 135 incidents of more than 475 rescuer deaths in the United States. Also contains additional information links located at usminedisasters.com.
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Successful Mine Rescue Durations
This linked PDF file contains a partial chronological list of more than 400 successful rescues from 1846-2020. Each rescue event listed contains a web or document link to additional information about the event. |
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Historical Summary of MSHA's Mine Emergency Operations (MEO) Program
"The Sheppton Mine Disaster marked the first recorded event of a man being rescued by use of a borehole drilled into a mine in the United States." Note: The above claim by the author may be in error when you examine the rescue of 14 miners from the Shakespeare Placer gold mine cave-in at Dome Creek, Alaska in 1911.
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2010 Doe Run Equipment Fire and Rescue
MSHA's accident investigation report on an event in 2010 which left 3 miners trapped in the mine following a haul truck fire. See more on this accident.
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Fitness for Mine Rescue Personnel
This Department of Industry and Resources guideline offers a practical approach for mine managers and supervisors to assist in ensuring that mine rescue personnel are appropriately medically and physically fit, so reducing the risk of injury, or sudden incapacity during a mine rescue event or training.
Mine Disasters in the United States
Mammoth library containing information on all mine disasters in the US since 1839.
Mining Product: BG4 Bench Trainer Software
The BG4 Bench Trainer software is a supplemental tool used to assist mine rescue personnel in learning and retaining knowledge of the process of benching a Draeger BG4 breathing apparatus. This interactive software, developed by researchers at NIOSH, places the user in a 3D interactive environment where they can visually inspect the individual parts of a BG4 breathing apparatus, assemble the parts, and test the assembled unit with the virtual RZ tester.
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Loss of Life Among Wearers of Oxygen Breathing Apparatus
This Bureau of Mines information circular provides information showing that from 1911 to 1940, inclusive, 26 men lost their lives while wearing oxygen breathing apparatus in this country.
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A Study of Heat Stress Exposures and Interventions
Mine rescue operations in the United States resulted in a heat-related double fatality in October 2002 when two members of a team exploring an abandoned mine slope in Nevada were lost (MSHA, 2003). In Poland in 1998, 10 mine rescuers were overcome by heat during an exploration activity and subsequent rescue attempts, resulting in six fatalities (Goldstein and Kajdasz, 2000)
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Final Rule - Mine Rescue Teams
Copy of the Federal Register published June 30, 2009 following a court decision made in February 2009.
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Federal Register - Mine Rescue Teams - Final Rule
Published February 8, 2008, this is the final rule for mine rescue teams as required by the MINER Act of 2006.
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Responding to a Mine Emergency
The responsible person shall be trained annually in a course of instruction in mine emergency response, as prescribed by MSHA's Office of Educational Policy and Development.
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Never Falter Never Fail
From Joel Tankersley, this poem about the life of the mine rescuer has become very popular among team members. MORE
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The Great Escape
MSHA's suggested alternative to mine emergency escape and evacuation.
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BioPak 240R Turn-Around Maintenance
It is imperative that prior to using the BioPak 240R all bench tests must have been performed and documented on the Turn-Around Maintenance tag which is attached to the BioPak 240R. Also, before using the BioPak 240R a fully charged oxygen cylinder, two fully frozen ice canisters and a recharge of carbon dioxide absorbent must be installed.
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Product information: Drager PSS BG 4 plus
The Drager PSS BG4 plus closed-circuit breathing apparatus combines uncompromising safety with outstanding respiratory protection and wearer comfort. Innovative in design, it provides the wearer with up to four hours of breathing air in toxic environments.
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The WVU Academy for Mine Training and Energy Technologies
On September 11, 2014 Mining and Industrial Extension celebrated 100 Years of Service to West Virginia University, the State of West Virginia and to all of those in the mining industry.
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1922 McCaa Apparatus Patent Filing
The 1922 patent filing of George S. McCaa, assignor for the Mine Safety Appliances Company, for his invention of the McCaa Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus. The patent was approved on April 19, 1927.
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Equipo de Circuito Cerrado de larga Duraci n PSS-BG 4
Los rescates en t neles, acceso a garajes, s tanos, intervenciones en barcos, y en general intervenciones en lugares de dif cil acceso o espacios confinados, requieren de equipos que permitan largas estancias en la zona, equipos conocidos como "de circuito cerrado de larga duraci n."
Digital Mining Photograph Archive
The MSHA Digital Library photograph collection includes over 1,000 historical mining photographs from the original Bureau of Mines collection. These photographs cover a wide range of topics connected to mining, including underground, community, mine rescue, and historical scenes. New images will be added to the collection on a regular basis.
Mine Rescue Training Video Resources
Browse these additional categories related to Mine Rescue Training for more Video resources.