Category: Forms, Checklists, and Training Certificates |
Accident Prevention |
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Spill Prevention and Control Plan Checklist and Certification
All applicants for permits to discharge any wastewater must complete and submit this Spill Prevention and Control Plan Checklist and Certification. All applicants for permits to discharge process wastewater must also submit the actual Spill Prevention and Control Plan with this Plan Checklist and Certification.
Active Shooter |
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Active Shooter Planning Checklist
Healthcare organizations are increasingly vulnerable as events involving armed individuals and guns are on the rise. Incidents of a violent nature can never be entirely prevented; the challenge is to plan and protect the occupants in a healthcare facility from a threat with potential for significant consequences.
Accident Prevention |
Stop the Drop Campaign
A dropped object is: “Any object, with the potential to cause death, injury or equipment/environmental damage, that falls from its previous static position under its own weight.”
Certificate Templates |
Sample Training Certificates
Here’s a list of sample training certificates in PowerPoint format that you can distribute following your presentations. Don’t be turned off by the titles. Most, if not all, of these can be easily edited to suit your needs.
Construction |
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OSHA Checklist for the Construction Industry
This checklist has been compiled to aid those employers and employees who seek to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Emergency Response |
Red Cross Resources
The American Red Cross has created this Disaster and Safety Library to assist you in preparing your home, school and workplace in the event of a disaster or emergency. Here you will find fact sheets, preparedness checklists, recovery guides and other helpful information to keep you informed and safe.
Heat Stress |
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Heat Wave Safety Checklist
In recent years, excessive heat has caused more deaths than all other weather events, including floods. A heat wave is a prolonged period of excessive heat, often combined with excessive humidity. Generally, temperatures are 10 degrees or more above the average high temperature for the region during summer months, last for a long period of time and occur with high humidity as well.
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Heat Stress Checklist
This check list is only to be used when conducting a heat stress risk assessment. It should not be used for the purposes of a thermal comfort risk assessment.
Hot Work |
Sample Hot Work Permits
Here are several samples of hot work permits in PDF and Word format listed in no particular order.
Machinery |
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A Guide to Machine Safeguarding
This guide examines dozens of possible ways to safeguard machinery. There is even a machine safety checklist in the back of the book so the reader can see how his or her own workplace rates. A Guide to Machine Safeguarding also explains many issues related to making workplaces safer.
MSHA Forms and Online Filing |
MSHA Forms and Online Filing
These are the most frequently requested MSHA forms. You can complete some forms online, while you can download and print all others.
MSHA Inspections |
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Self-Inspection Checklist
This may interest many because it goes beyond MSHA to office spaces and things covered more by OSHA than MSHA, including training for office persons.
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Frequently Inspected or Most often Cited
If an MSHA inspector comes to your property for an inspection, the following is a list of regulations commonly covered. Remember, all mine operators are required to be in compliance with ALL regulations that apply to their mine. However, the following is a good starting checklist for you. You can use this list as a guide for self-inspections of your property.
Part 46 and 48 Training |
Hazard Recognition Training Forms
All visitors entering these premises may encounter various hazards. By law, you must be informed of their possible existence and how to avoid them. This list identifies many of those hazards and the safe procedures to avoid personal injury and/or property damage.
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Fillable Form 5000-23
Form 5000-23 may be completed while on your PC screen and printed (or printed and filled in manually). MSHA does not receive or maintain copies of the 5000-23. DO NOT FILE THIS FORM WITH MSHA. |
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Form 5000-23 Instructions
This file provides a description of how to complete each item of the 5000-23.
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Reasonable Suspicion Checklist
When there is reasonable suspicion that an employee at work is unfit for duty, the supervisor or manager observing the behavior as well as another supervisor/manager as witness, if possible, must complete the checklist included here.
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Reasonable Suspicion Checklist
Less detail than the form above, this document also allows the supervisor or manager observing the behavior to record same.
Weather and Driving Safety |
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Checklist and Tips for Safe Winter Driving
No one wants to break down in any season, but especially not in cold or snowy winter weather. Start the season off right by ensuring your vehicle is in optimal condition.
Red Cross Resources
The American Red Cross has created this Disaster and Safety Library to assist you in preparing your home, school and workplace in the event of a disaster or emergency. Here you will find fact sheets, preparedness checklists, recovery guides and other helpful information to keep you informed and safe.