Cement Burn Awareness Contact with wet (unhardened) concrete, mortar, cement or cement mixtures can cause skin irritation, severe chemical burns, or serious eye damage.
8.9 Mb
The "NO" Zone From NIOSH, this file contains images of various pieces of equipment displaying the "NO" Zone, or those areas which are obscured to the operator's line of sight.
776 Kb
OSHA Checklist for the Construction Industry This checklist has been compiled to aid those employers and employees who seek to comply with the Rules and Regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
12 Mb
On the Job Training Modules for Surface Metal and Nonmetal Full text, revised 2004 - This Instruction Guide is designed to supplement existing health and safety training programs. The modules are only guides, and their use is not mandatory. The material is not intended to cover all specific jobs at any given operation.
748 Kb
On the Job Training Module: Dozer Operation This material is designed primarily for use in the initial training of dozer operators at surface metal and nonmetal mines. The content deals with general operation and clearing and pushing, but this material can be applied to other jobs performed with a dozer. This material should be used by trainers as a supplement to practical knowledge and specific mine conditions.
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