Mobile Equipment in Underground Mines An Ontario, Canada, Ministry of Labour inspector visits an underground mine to talk about safety practices around mobile equipment.
Shake Hands with Danger Safety film for heavy equipment operators that was commissioned by the construction equipment manufacturer. Reminding workers to follow procedures and stay alert, Shake Hands with Danger features simulated accidents and a memorable title song.
Pre-Operation Inspection of Off-Road Haulage Trucks by the Driver Describes a typical sequence of inspection procedures followed by drivers who operate off-road haulage trucks. Topics covered include: inspection location; personal protective equipment; fluid-carrying lines; truck bed; lights and mountings; cab; safety appliances; steering; and brakes and braking systems.
Pre-Operation Inspection of Highway Haulage Trucks by the Driver Describes a typical sequence of inspection procedures followed by drivers who operate highway haulage trucks. Topics covered include: inspection location; under-the-hood check; tires and wheels; steering components; suspension components; trailer or bed frame; cab; safety appliances; and brakes and braking systems.
Stay Calm and Stay in the Cab! In this video you'll hear how a bulldozer operator felt while he was buried in a surge pile cavity, and how his company's safety efforts, before and during the accident, contributed to his safe recovery.
Largest JENGA Game Played with Caterpillar Equipment "Stack" pits five Cat machines, including Excavators and Telehandlers, against a mountain of massive JENGA blocks. The object of the game is for heavy equipment operators to remove and then reposition a stack of 27 JENGA blocks one at a time, without toppling the structure -- using only their Cat machines and attachments.
Brakes, Grades, and Runaways - Off-Road Trucks Reviews important principles of haul road design and maintenance, braking system inspection and maintenance, and driver procedures for handling off-road truck runaways. Topics covered include: road design; road maintenance; berms; brakes; and runaways.
Inspection of Off-Road Haulage Trucks by an MSHA Inspector Presents a typical sequence of procedures followed by an MSHA inspector during examination of an off-road haulage truck. Topics covered include: inspection location; fluid-carrying lines and steering components; tires and wheels; truck bed; lights and mountings; cab; safety appliances; and brakes and braking system parts.
What You Can't See Could Kill Someone! [Pathway to Safety 2] DVD534-S - 2000. Blind spots around haul trucks is a major problem for mining operations. To combat this problem, MSHA asked companies to put cameras on their trucks on an experimental basis. This video contains interviews with drivers who used cameras on their trucks and the safety benefits they received.
Command for Dozing A remote control system, Command for dozing is available for Cat D10T and D11T Track-Type Tractors. A line-of-site operator console enables control of the machine from a safe distance away from the working area.
Construction and Mining Equipment PowerPoint Resources Browse these additional mining and construction related categories for more PowerPoint resources.