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Fatal Crane Accident
During the construction activity of lifting and moving the steelstructure (trestle) that supports the conveyor at the Alegria 8/9 stockpile to a new location, the crane lost stability, rolled over onto it sides coming to a stop against a section of a conveyor gallery that was being pre assembled adjacent to the crane location.
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DOE-STD-1090-2007 Mobile Cranes
This chapter specifies operation, inspection, maintenance, and testing requirements for the use of mobile cranes and implements the requirements of ASME B30.5 (“Mobile and Locomotive Cranes”).
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Safety Alert - Crane Operation
A recent fatal incident occurred at a BHPBIO monitored site, where the crane operator had bypassed the crane safety interlocks and deliberately operated the crane outside of its safe range of operation to the point where it fell over.
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Convenient Pocket Cards - 1926.1400
Contains pre-made pocket cards that can be distributed to those working under 1926.1400.
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FACT SHEET: Cranes and Derricks in Construction: Assembly/Disassembly
This fact sheet explains the assembly and disassembly requirements of subpart CC – Cranes and Derricks in Construction, as specified in 29 CFR 1926.1403-1926.1406 and 192.1412. These provisions were effective November 8, 2010.
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OSHA's New Crane Standard
Details how it will affect ADSC members.
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Fatal Tanker Crane Incident
Detailed information about a fatal crane incident onboard a tanker.
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Cranes and Derricks in Construction
This presentation was taken and derived from several OSHA presentations including one originally prepared by John Newquist of OSHA as a preliminary aid for the new standard, one from the OSHA Directorate of Construction, and one posted on the OSHA website dated 9-30-10.
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Cranes and Derricks in Construction - Final Rule
OSHA is making this document, the regulatory text, available for informational purposes only. This action does not affect the effective date of the final rule on Cranes and Derricks in Construction.
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Mobile Crane Inspection Guidelines (1994)
This document provides background information about lifting principles and serves as a guideline for inspecting mobile construction cranes.
Online Crane Quizzes
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Crane Quick Facts
Loaded with capacity and specification tables for safer crane use.
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Examination and/or test of hydraulic mobile cranes
Form for this from All Crane Training USA.
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Crane Inspection Report Form
Prior to initial use, all new and altered cranes should be inspected to determine if any safety hazards exist.
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Mobile Crane User Guidelines
This document is a listing of suggested best practices for the use of mobile cranes within the construction industry. Although some of the language mirrors regulatory requirements such as OSHA standards, this is not intended to be a compliance document.