Huge Crane Topples This has probably got to be the biggest mining accident in the Bowen Basin, Australia in years. Curragh was performing a shutdown of its dragline, and decided to lower the boom using a Manitowoc crane instead of using the internal mechanisms. Something went wrong with the crane, and the boom fell from nearly its full height.
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Crane Drops Dozer and Crashes Below From the start of this video, you know this won't turn out well. Another math miscalculation as the root cause of failure when trying to lower this dozer into an otherwise inaccessible area below street level.
Crane Accident Something goes very wrong here and we see a huge crane topple with its load.
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Another Crane Incident Exactly what happened is unknown, but it appears the rigging may not have been applied securely.
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Crane Drops Swimming Pool Things go terribly wrong for this crane operator while attempting to locate an in-ground swimming pool in the backyard of this house. I suspect there was an error in math here.
Backing and Swinging for Mobile Crane Operations Many incidents involving crane operations occur during backing and swinging of the equipment. One of the advantages of mobile cranes is the ability to access difficult job sites, and with that ability also comes the risk associated with maneuvering tight spaces in a mobile crane.
Sims Crane Minute - Overloading Safety Director Bob Berry discusses crane overloading and practices to follow to avoid making this mistake.
Sims Crane Minute - Moving Machine Parts In this episode of Sims Crane Minute, Bob Berry reminds us of some crane safety tips, while being around moving machine parts to ensure we have a successful and safe crane lift.
Load Landing & Taglines Load handling during crane operations presents several immediate hazards to rigging personal during crane operations. It is always important to be mindful of surroundings and others working around you when handling or transporting heavy loads.
Basic Crane Hand Signals From the Sim Crane Minute series. The basic hand signals used by crane operators have been developed by professionals in the crane and rigging industry as universally recognized communication techniques and are adopted by the ANSI standards and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1400 crane regulations. More from Sims Crane at YouTube.
How To Calculate A Sling Load Take the guess work out of how much force is exerted on a sling when making a lift with two or more lifting straps. The angles are not always just 45 or 60 degrees as is often listed on the sling capacity tag. Here is an easy way to figure out if it will be a safe lift. More calculation videos from Maintenance Resources.
Boom Deflection & Shock Loading In this Sims Crane Minute, Bob Berry discusses the dangers of overloading and shock loading of cranes during heavy lifting operations.
Citizen Crane - Lifting in Bad Weather Conditions In 2012 the Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association released a report on the top ten root causes for crane and rigging insurance losses. In the Sims Crane Minute, crane experts and safety professionals provide basic education to raise awareness for these issues. Our goal at Sims Crane & Equipment Co. is to encourage safe work practices so everyone goes home safely and to protect your valuable assets.
Power Line & Electrical Safety The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association released a report on the top ten root causes for crane and rigging insurance losses. In the Sims Crane Minute, crane experts and safety professionals provide basic education to raise awareness for these issues.
Construction and Mining Equipment PowerPoint Resources Browse these additional mining and construction related categories for more PowerPoint resources.