Coal Mine Rescue Test X
In order to get 100%, you must answer all of the following correctly.
1.  The STEL for Carbon Monoxide is _________ ppm.

2.  The IDLH is immediately dangerous to life or health in the event of respirator failure and one could escape within _________ minutes without experiencing any escape impairing or irreversible health effects from a gas.

3.  The IDLH for Carbon Monoxide is _________ ppm.

4.  Heat rises and because it is stopped by the mine roof it generates _________.

5.  Every force creates an equal and opposite force (this leads to smoke and fire rollback and methane _________).

6.  The Universal Gas Law, pressure and volume are directly related to _________, means the hotter the fire, the higher the pressure it develops.

7.  A fire produces _________ like a fan and air always flows from the point of high to low pressure so the larger the fire the more heat and products of combustion that can be pushed back against the ventilating air towards you and the other firefighters.

8.  The initial assessment is designed to help the Emergency Medical _________ detect and correct all immediate threats to life.

9.  Check for responsiveness by gently squeezing the patient’s shoulder and shouting, "Are you _________."

10.  A high priority patient should be transported _________, with little time spent on the scene.

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