First Aid Test I
In order to get 100%, you must answer all of the following correctly.
1.  In addition to directional terms, there are specific positional terms with which you should become familiar.  These terms include ______________, which means lying face down.

2.  There are four major body cavities - cranial, _____________, adnominal, and pelvic.

3.  An unresponsive patient with no suspected spine injury should be placed on his side in order to help maintain an open and clear airway.  This position is commonly called the recovery position or _______________ position.

4.  In general, an Emergency Medical Responder should only move a patient when absolutely necessary.  Your primary role is to assess the patient, provide basic emergency care, and continue to monitor the patient’s condition until more advanced personnel arrive.

5.  There are times when a patient must be moved immediately, even if you do not have the appropriate people or equipment to do so.  These situations call for a/an _______________.

6.  The trachea is an air passage to the lungs.  It is located above the larynx and is commonly called the windpipe.

7.  The major muscle of breathing, the diaphragm, and the muscles between our ribs expand to increase the volume of the chest cavity.

8.  During the scene size-up, identify the mechanism of injury (MOI) for a trauma patient and the _______________ (NOI) for a medical patient.

9.  Classify the patient’s mental status by using the AVPU scale, the letters of which stand for alert, _______________, painful, and unresponsive.

10.  When caring for a patient in cardiac arrest, your duties are twofold: to have someone activate EMS and to start _______________ immediately.

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