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Hazardous Materials Tabletop Exercises Manual
These tabletop exercises are intended to provide an opportunity for communities to test their ability to respond to hazardous materials (HazMat) incidents. The exercises provide the opportunity to identify the response and coordination issues that could arise during a variety of hazardous materials scenarios and make the decisions to resolve those issues.
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Protect Yourself When Using Chemicals
Hazardous materials exist in one form or another in nearly all homes and workplaces in the United States.
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Little General Store Explosion Final Report
On January 30, 2007, a propane explosion at the Little General Store in Ghent, West Virginia, killed two emergency responders and two propane service technicians, and injured six others. The explosion leveled the store, destroyed a responding ambulance, and damaged other nearby vehicles.
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Oil Drilling Rig Explosion Photos
Aftermath photos of an explosion that occurred on an oil drilling rig. Not much detail provided about the accident.
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Don't Mix Oxygen and Oil
Oxygen under pressure and hydrocarbons (oil and grease) can react violently, resulting in explosions, fire, and injury to personnel and damage to property.
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Gasoline at Home
What you don’t know about gasoline can hurt you so make sure everyone in your household understands how gasoline reacts and behaves before using it.
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Gasoline Safety Educators Guide
Gasoline, when ignited in a controlled manner to power engines, serves a very useful purpose. Because it is so commonplace, however, we sometimes take its presence for granted without realizing how dangerous it can be.
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Hazardous Materials Management
One of the most frequently cited serious violations in general industry is the lack of a written hazard communication plan.
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How to Read MSDS and Labels
This document, which includes a short quiz, contains straight-forward information to better enable the student to read and understand MSDS and labels.
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Nuclear Radiation Accidents
Radiation accidents in today's world are not as common as we may think, but when they do occur, they have some devastating effects on the lives of those unlucky enough to be involved.
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Radiation Emergencies
When scientists measure radiation, they use different terms depending on whether they are discussing radiation coming from a radioactive source, the radiation dose absorbed by a person, or the risk that a person will suffer health effects (biological risk) from exposure to radiation. This fact sheet explains some of the terminology used to discuss radiation measurement.
Hazardous Materials PDF Files
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