First Aid Test VI
In order to get 100%, you must answer all of the following correctly.
1.  The body system that brings oxygen to the body and removes carbon dioxide is the:

2.  ____________ is the anatomical term meaning front.

3.  All descriptions of the body start with the assumption that the body is:

4.  The body system that controls movement, interprets sensations and regulates body activities is:

5.  The primary concern of a First Responder in an emergency is:

6.  A symptom is defined as something the patient tells you.

7.  Which technique best protects your back from injury when lifting a heavy object?

8.  The preferred method to move a responsive, non-injured patient down steps is by the use of a:

9.  Which patient is breathing adequately?

10.  You arrive on scene and find a patient who fell off a scaffolding from about 30 feet.  Upon assessment, you find snoring sounds, respirations are approximately 30 per minute and shallow, a radial pulse is absent, the carotid pulse is weak and rapid at about 130 bpm, and the skin is pale, cool and clammy.  You should immediately:

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