8 slides |
Aggressive Driving
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, incidents of aggressive driving have increased by 7% every year since 1990. |
 19 slides |
Aging Tires
Researchers and experts agree that along with tread depth and proper maintenance, tire age is also crucial to safety. |
 9 slides |
Audi RS6 Accident Photos
Photos of the aftermath of an accident involving an Audi RS6. The car split in two and the driver walked away unharmed. |
 PPS |
Blind Zones
This PowerPoint show discusses proper side mirror positioning to avoid blind spots. |
 46 slides |
Defensive Driving Presentation
This presentation includes information on construction vehicle hazards. |
 20 slides |
Driving Drowsy is a Fatal Mistake
When you are behind the wheel of a car, being sleepy is very dangerous. Driving drowsy slows your reaction time, decreases awareness, and impairs judgment, just like drugs or alcohol. |
 29 slides |
Facing Your Most Dangerous Daily Activity
The average company pays $740 for every employee each year in off-the job injuries including coast associated with absenteeism, health care and productivity and unscheduled work interruptions. |
 12 slides |
How You Die in Seven-Tenths of a Second
It takes just seven-tenths of a second for a 55-mile-per-hour crash to kill a person. A study done at Yale and Cornell breaks down the process in one-tenth second increments. |
 23 slides |
Managing Effective Seat Belt Programs
Safety belt use is increasingly the single most effective short-term way to significantly reduce deaths and injuries from traffic crashes. |
 31 slides |
Just Drive
Texas State Wide Injury Prevention Initiative. Distracted driving is driving while engaged in any activity that could divert a persons attention away from the primary task of driving. |
 3 slides |
Winter Driving Safety Talk
Winter is an especially dangerous time for workers who must drive on the job. Winter conditions can extend from early November to the end of April. |
 23 slides |
Winter Driving Safety Tips
This presentation is intended to help you avoid problems that can occur during winter driving. While we can't ensure you will be trouble free, the safety tips offered may help you avoid typical travel delays during inclement winter weather.
 95 slides |
Be Prepared for Winter Driving
You must understand how cold weather effects your vehicle before, during, and after operation. |
 12 slides |
2013 Ravensworth Mine Fatality
On November 30, 2013, a trainee plant operator employed by TESA Mining (NSW) Pty Ltd, was fatally injured while working at the Ravensworth open cut mine, near Singleton, New South Wales, Australia. The victim suffered fatal injuries when the Toyota Landcruiser she was driving collided with and was run over by the front right-hand side wheel of a Caterpillar 793D, weighing approximately 351 tons.
 46 slides |
Intro to Work Zone Safety
How would you like it if people drove their cars thru your office? More than 40,000 people are injured each year as a result of motor vehicle crashes in work zones.
 20 slides |
Driver Safety
When you think of work-related safety hazards, you probably think about what goes on inside the workplace. But one of the greatest threats to your safety is not in the workplace, but rather on the road.
 9 slides |
Texting: Do's & Dont's
Texting is a major form of communication through cell phones, but it can be dangerous if not done legally and appropriately.
 29 slides |
Hazards of Distracted Driving
Distraction is a specific type of inattention that occurs when a driver's attention is diverted from the driving task to focus on a non-driving activity instead.
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