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Driving Safety - Cell Phone I
This video illustrates how cell phone usage can be distracting enough to cause accidents. |
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Driving Safety - Cell Phone II
This video illustrates how cell phone usage can be distracting enough to cause accidents. |
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Driving Safety - Cell Phone III
This video illustrates how cell phone usage can be distracting enough to cause accidents. |
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Text Messaging vs. Morse Code
From Jay Leno's Tonight Show - Who do you think will win? |
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Cell Phone Karma
Kyocera commercial which demonstrates cell phone etiquette. Funny stuff. |
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Cell Phone Distraction
Here's a short video that makes the case for avoiding the use of cell phones while driving. |
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Never iron next to your cell phone
This video is an obvious spoof as it's hard to believe anyone would record themself ironing clothes. And even harder to believe anyone could be this stupid. |
Belgian Texting While Driving Test
See what happens when these Drivers Ed students are told it's now part of their driving test.
Popcorn Telephone
This is enlightening! This is probably what it does to our brain power - like putting your head in a microwave, eh? Check this out! And we're supposed to believe that cell phones are safe.
No Text is worth a life
No Text is Worth a Life shows what should have happened instead of answering the text.
Faces of Distracted Driving: Jacy Good
On May 18, 2008, Jacy Good and her parents attended her graduation ceremony at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pennsylvania. On the way home, a young driver talking on his cell phone ran a red light, causing a tractor-trailer to swerve and crash into the Goods' vehicle. Jacy was critically injured, and both of her parents, Jean and Jay Good, were killed instantly. Jacy spent four months in the hospital and still spends much of her time in physical and occupational therapy. Jacy is now an advocate against distracted driving.
Stop the Texts - Stop the Wrecks
To raise awareness of this dangerous behavior, the Ad Council partnered with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2012 to create a Texting and Driving Prevention campaign. The campaign shows drivers that no matter how safely they think they can engage in distracted driving, the behavior is always dangerous - for every driver, all the time.
Distracted Driving: Calls Kill
There is no safe way to use a cell phone while driving even hands free. Distracted driving takes many forms, but cell phone use is at the top. Research shows the brain remains distracted for 27 seconds after dialing, changing music or sending a text using voice commands. Almost everyone has seen a driver distracted by a cell phone, but often you don't realize that distracted driver is you.
City of Tulsa Puts the Brakes on Distracted Driving
While no state has a law prohibiting all cell phone use while driving, employers are putting policies in place banning the use of handheld and hands-free devices. See how the city of Tulsa implemented a total-ban cell phone policy for employees.