2.5 Mb |
School Bus Crash
Video taken inside a school bus shows the action of the passengers when it crashes. |
371 Kb |
Car Crash
This video may be disturbing to some. Shows an auto crash at an intersection which includes 2 vehicles and a pedestrian. |
1.3 Mb |
Cop Car Crash
Two police cars have a citizen pulled over along a 4-lane highway - and along comes a speeding vehicle. Ouch! |
902 Kb |
Field Sobriety Test
Humorous video which includes a field sobriety test for motorists in the UK. |
1.7 Mb |
Gas Station Fire
This video shows what can happen if you re-enter your car after you started filling it with gasoline. Static electricity build up causes the start of this fire. |
1.8 Mb |
Lucky Idiot
Busy intersection? No problem! Just step on the gas. Go on, you can make it. |
305 Kb |
Lucky Dude
Be alert whenever you stop to help another motorist. Here's a near miss example. |
4.9 Mb |
Mustang Highway Spin
This motorist, fleeing from the police, demonstrates how to handle that cop maneuver to spin you out. |
418 Kb |
No Seat Belt
Video taken inside this car shows what can happen in an accident without your seatbelt fastened. |
1.9 Mb |
Russian Tunnel of Death
The 3,150 meter long Lefortovo tunnel in Russia, is the longest in-city tunnel in all the world. It is nicknamed "The Tunnel of Death." There is a river running over the tunnel, and water leaks through in some areas. When the temperature reaches nearly 0°C, the road freezes and becomes as slippery as hell.
9.4 Mb |
405 The Movie (Hi Res)
High resolution Windows Media format - Special effects are outstanding as we see a jumbo jet land on an interstate highway and surprise 2 hapless motorists. |
2.2 Mb |
405 The Movie (Lo Res)
Low resolution Windows Media format - Special effects are outstanding as we see a jumbo jet land on an interstate highway and surprise 2 hapless motorists. |
2.1 Mb |
Never Trust a Green Light
Another dramatic warning to drive defensively. |
4.3 Mb |
Whacky Traffic Indian Style
How no one gets killed during this video is the amazing part. Shows the traffic flow at a busy intersection somewhere in India. |
1.9 Mb |
Saudi Auto Accident
Unknown what led to this vehicle accident. Makes a statement for the use of seat belts. |
1.7 Mb |
DUI Advertisement
Moving video warning against driving under the inflence. |
947 Kb |
Buckle Up, or Suffer the Pain
Excellent video urging you to use your seat belt. |
3.6 Mb |
It Looked Like a Parking Lot
Snowfall often hides things like potholes and ruts in the road. Bet you never would have expected this ahead. |
4.0 Mb |
Buckle Your Seat Belt
Chilean public service commercial urging the use of seat belts. Pretty effective. |
1.8 Mb |
Security Barrier Impact
From time to time someone asks what the concrete barriers are in front of controlled and secure buildings. When I tell them that the barriers will stop traffic, even trucks, from approaching the secure building I usually get a look of disbelief. I've been looking for some footage like this to prove my point. |
Truckers View of Idiots
Short video from a truckers point of view. It's a wonder how some people have lived this long.
Distracted Driving: Calls Kill
There is no safe way to use a cell phone while driving – even hands free. Distracted driving takes many forms, but cell phone use is at the top. Research shows the brain remains distracted for 27 seconds after dialing, changing music or sending a text using voice commands. Almost everyone has seen a driver distracted by a cell phone, but often you don't realize that distracted driver is you.
City of Tulsa Puts the Brakes on Distracted Driving
While no state has a law prohibiting all cell phone use while driving, employers are putting policies in place banning the use of handheld and hands-free devices. See how the city of Tulsa implemented a total-ban cell phone policy for employees.
MHP Winter Driving Awareness
Breathtaking dashcam video from the Montana Highway Patrol which should alert you to
slow down when you see emergency vehicles ahead. This series of accidents may well
have resulted in multiple deaths. Instead, no one died and those injured were expected to recover.
Fifth Harmony Worth It Carpool Karaoke
No text, post, search, glance, or email is worth a life. Keep your eyes on the road, not on your phone. You can help make the road a safer place. #ItCanWait
Turn Around Don't Drown
Just six inches of fast-moving water can knock over and carry off an adult. Twelve inches of water can float a small car. If that water is moving, it can carry that car away. Eighteen to twenty-four inches of flowing water can carry away most vehicles, including large SUVs.
Why you shouldn’t drive slowly in the left lane
Can we all agree that the left lane is for passing, please? If you’re one of those people traveling slowly in the left lane and inhibiting the natural flow of traffic, there’s a good chance that everyone on the roadways probably hates you.
Look Twice for Motorcycles
This is an excellently produced educational video that is also very entertaining. We need to watch and look twice for motorcycle riders.
Stop the Texts - Stop the Wrecks
To raise awareness of this dangerous behavior, the Ad Council partnered with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in 2012 to create a Texting and Driving Prevention campaign. The campaign shows drivers that no matter how “safely” they think they can engage in distracted driving, the behavior is always dangerous - for every driver, all the time.