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1911 National Mine Safety Demonstration
Nearly 2,000 persons witnessed the demonstrations and exhibits of the Bureau of Mines at the arsenal grounds on the morning of October 30, 1911. The spectators were all mine operators, miners, or persons interested in mining, and represented operations in all parts of the United States. Nearly 1,200 of these persons visited the bureau's experimental mine at Bruceton to witness the explosion of coal dust. Had the weather, which was exceptionally inclement, been more favorable, there would doubtless have been a much larger attendance. MORE
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1912 National Mine Safety Demonstration
USBM Bulletin 62 of the 1912 National Mine Safety Demonstration held at Arsenal Station in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in
September 1912. MORE
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1921 National and International Mine Rescue and First Aid Meets
USBM Report of the National and International Mine Rescue and First Aid Meets of 1921. MORE
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1951 National Mine Rescue and First Aid Contest
The 14th National First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contest was held at the State fairgrounds, Columbus, Ohio, October 2-4, 1951. Fourteen teams from 6 States participated in the mine rescue contest, and 55
teams from 9 States competed in the first-aid contest.
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1953 National Mine Rescue and First Aid Contest
The 15th National First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contest was held at Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 29 to October 1, 1953. Fourteen teams from 6 States participated in the mine rescue contest and 47 teams from 9 states competed in the first aid contest.
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1955 National Mine Rescue and First Aid Contest
The 16th National First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contest was held in Knoxville, Tennessee, October 10-12, 1955. Nine teams from 5 States participated in the mine rescue contest and 54 teams from 8 states competed in the first aid contest.
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1957 National Mine Rescue and First Aid Contest
The 17th National First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contest was held in Louisville, Kentucky, October 2-4, 1957. Eight teams from 3 States participated in the mine rescue contest and 49 teams from 7 states competed in the first aid contest.
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1961 National Mine Rescue and First Aid Contest
The 19th National First-Aid and Mine Rescue Contest was held in Charleston, West Virginia, October 2-4, 1961. Eleven teams from 4 States participated in the mine rescue contest and 43 teams from 7 states competed in the first aid contest.
National Contests in the News
Provides an impressive collection of news articles and document links pertaining to National Mine Rescue Contests since 1911.