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Halon cylinder becomes rocket!
The combination of pressure and size of the cylinder hole caused the cylinder to discharge its contents rapidly, and it flew through the air.
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Elevator Hazard Alert
Several entrapment accidents have occurred recently where mine elevators have stopped in the shaft hoistway or have failed to properly align with the landing such that the doors would not open.
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Caterpillar Hazard Alert
A potential for chafing has been identified on the product listed above with the 265-3955 Fuel Line and the 213-7009 Alternator Cable on the left side of the engine and the 265-3965 Fuel Line and the engine harness assembly on the right side of the engine.
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Failure of mobile equipment braking systems
An unacceptable number of incidents involving the failure of mobile equipment braking systems, maintenance systems and operating procedures at mines have resulted in serious injuries and fatalities.
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Fletcher Roof Bolter Alert
J. H. Fletcher requests that owners of the DR and CDR roof drills listed in the bulletin immediately remind all personnel of the danger of pinch points on the machine. Specifically, the pinch point between the inner and outer masts that move during the drilling and bolting process. The company is also providing a free mast guard arrangement for this area.
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Fletcher Roof Bolter Alert
All Fletcher roof bolters use, or can use, operator protection canopies. On some models these canopies are attached to an extendable support post actuated by a hydraulic cylinder within the post.
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Forklift Recall Bulletin
Recall notice for Genie Industries products.
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Caterpillar Hazard Alert
A potential for chafing has been identified on the product listed above with the 265-3955 Fuel Line and the 213-7009 Alternator Cable on the left side of the engine and the 265-3965 Fuel Line and the engine harness assembly on the right side of the engine.
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Freeze Thaw Cycles
Seasonal changes impact upon many aspects of mining activity and often results in an increase in haulage, machinery, maintenance, and other surface mining related accidents.
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Genie Lift Hazard Alert
Genie Industries has received a report of a fractured pin in the jib assembly of one of their machines. Although only one of the pins in this assembly was fractured, Genie has determined that all potentially affected pins must be replaced. If the affected pin fractures, the platform can fall.
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Pressure Test Accident Photos and Description
Photo of an accident following a pressure test.
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Safety Alert: Welder Electrocution
Safety alert describing the details of a fatality where a welder was electrocuted.
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Danger - Moving Equipment
Year after year since mobile equipment has been in use, miners have been crushed, run over, pinned by, or struck by, moving equipment. These accidents CAN BE prevented. One way is by getting our brain into a habit of thinking through and applying “Best Practices”, BEFORE we move that piece of equipment.
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MSA 20 ft. Dyna-Lock SRL
MSA requests that users receiving this Inspection Advisory immediately inspect the 20 ft. Dyna-Lock SRLs in their possession to determine if the screws securing the handle are swaged. Any units with unswaged screws (one or both) must be removed from service and returned to MSA for repair. The repair and the shipping are free of charge. Units not exhibiting this condition may remain in use.
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SCBA Hazard Alert
Warns users of both the BioMarine 240S and the Drager BG4 to not neglect the apparatus coolant requirements when wearing.
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Portable Generator Hazards
Warning about portable generator hazards such as electrical and CO poisoning.