High Power Worker This footage is taken outside Thunder Bay, Ontario and these guys are checking HYDRO TOWER INSULATORS.
Safety is Personal: An Employer's Story Mike Honeyman has a message for employers: Safety is personal. In this video, he shares the hard lessons he learned as a business owner after one of his workers was seriously injured on the job.
2018 NFPA 70E: Safe Electrical Work Practices This program explains the important changes and updates contained in the 2018 NFPA 70E Standard and discusses how electrical workers can be protected from both the shock and arc-flash hazards presented by exposed energized parts. After viewing this program, electrical workers and supervisors will have an understanding of those responsibilities and be convinced that always following electrical safe work practices and procedures is the only way for electrical workers to stay safe.
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Powered Haulage Albanian Style Here's an example of the life of an Albanian miner skillfully going through his haulage maneuvers.
Power Line & Electrical Safety The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association released a report on the top ten root causes for crane and rigging insurance losses. In the Sims Crane Minute, crane experts and safety professionals provide basic education to raise awareness for these issues.