14 slides |
Arc Flash Presentation
Arc flash is a short circuit through air that flashes over from one exposed live conductor to another conductor or to ground. Arc flash incidents are common and costly, and the frequency of reported accidents is increasing. This is why arc flash has become a very hot topic within MSHA & OSHA. |
 40 slides |
NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
This presentation covers changes to the 2015 edition. |
 52 slides |
Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution and Electrical Protective Equipment – Final Rule
Covers effective dates and best practice revisions based on the final Rule.
 47 slides |
DC Systems, Hazards, and Standards
Objectives: (1)To recognize and classify DC and Pulsed electrical hazards in R&D systems; (2) To present current and evolving standards for DC electrical safety; and (3) To PROPOSE a hazard classification approach for all arc flash hazards.
 120 slides |
Significant Changes to NFPA 70E
These changes are recommendations from the Risk and Assessment Working Group. The changes reflect the concept that injury due to electrical hazards is a product of the likelihood that a hazard will be present and the consequences of the hazard should an exposure occur. |
 8 slides |
7200 vs. Log Truck - Who Wins?
What happens when a log truck goes head to head with 7200 volts? Pity the fool. |
 11 slides |
Arc Flash Incident
Description and photos of an arc flash incident at a Duke Energy facility. |
 27 slides |
Basic Electrical Presentation
Overhead power lines must be deenergized and grounded by the owner or operator of the lines, or other protective measures must be provided before work is started. |
 27 slides |
Control of Hazardous Energy
Lockout and tagout procedures are designed and implemented to protect you from an accidental release of energy. |
 31 slides |
Basic Electrical Safety
As the name implies, this is basic information about electrical hazards. This course is not designed to teach you to work on electrical equipment. |
 7 slides |
Basic Electrical Safety Awareness
Electrocution is a major cause of injury and death in both the industrial and home environment. |
 4 slides |
Disconnect for Electrical-Discharge Lighting Existing Fluorescent Luminaire
Ballast disconnects, now mandated by the NEC, easily justify their cost. The first and foremost consideration is, of course, increased safety. However, another benefit is that the use of ballast disconnects can shorten the downtime required to properly change a ballast. |
 38 slides |
Electric Circuit - Visual Inspections
Discusses those things to look for when conducting a visual inspection of an electrical circuit. |
 27 slides |
Provides basic information about electrical hazards and what to look for. |
 78 slides |
Electrical Hazards
Electrical hazards, primarily shock are examined. Electric shock occurs when the human body becomes part of the path through which current flows. |
 74 slides |
Electrical Hazards
Discussion of electrical safety hazards in the construction workplace and ways to avoid these hazards. |
 59 slides |
Electrical Safety
Photos highlight this presentation on electrical hazards. |
 20 slides |
Electrical Hazard Recognition
Photos are used which ask trainees to identify electrical safety hazards.
 68 slides |
Electrical Safety
This presentation will Introduce electrical safety and establish its role in today’s industry. |
 32 slides |
Electrical Safety
From NIOSH, this presentation explores electrical safety hazards and regulatory requirements. |
 28 slides |
Electrical Safety
From the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry, this presentation covers the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910 SUBPART S. |
 30 slides |
Electrical Safety
This program details the requirements of 29 CFR 1910.332 for electrical safety. |
 57 slides |
Electrical Safety
Electrocutions rank fourth in work related fatalities with about half of these at 600 volts or less. |
 69 slides |
Testing Grounding Systems
The intent of 56/57.12028 is to ensure that continuity and resistance tests of grounding systems are conducted on a specific schedule. |
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