Crane Accident Something goes very wrong here and we see a huge crane topple with its load.
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Another Crane Incident Exactly what happened is unknown, but it appears the rigging may not have been applied securely.
Basic Crane Hand Signals From the Sim Crane Minute series. The basic hand signals used by crane operators have been developed by professionals in the crane and rigging industry as universally recognized communication techniques and are adopted by the ANSI standards and OSHA 29 CFR 1926.1400 crane regulations. More from Sims Crane at YouTube.
Crane Videos Browse our collection of Crane videos.
How To Calculate A Sling Load Take the guess work out of how much force is exerted on a sling when making a lift with two or more lifting straps. The angles are not always just 45 or 60 degrees as is often listed on the sling capacity tag. Here is an easy way to figure out if it will be a safe lift. More calculation videos from Maintenance Resources.