7 slides |
How To Drive Through Winter Weather
The best way to avoid a crash on wintery roads? Always stay in control. When you're driving on a slippery surface, there's limited traction or grip available for you as a driver to use.
 11 slides |
Winter Weather Hazards
Wear shoes with slip-resistant soles or traction devices when walking or working on surfaces that are wet, greasy, icy, or other-wise slick. |
 25 slides |
Adverse Weather
Although heat-related illnesses are treatable and preventable, on average 240 people die of heat-related illnesses in the United States each year. |
 23 slides |
All About Lightning
Discusses precautions you can take and what to avoid when lightning occurs. |
 11 slides |
Flash Floods
Many people underestimate how fast a "Flash Flood" can actually occur. Sometimes, a flash flood can happen in areas where it is not even raining. Water can flow into other "dry" areas or "back-up" due to congested drain systems. |
 21 slides |
Haz-Mat Weather Considerations
The student will identify how various meteorological factors may influence a hazardous materials incident. |
 PPS |
Hurricane Ike Photos
Galveston and Houston, Texas suffer extensive damage from Hurricane Ike in 2008. |
 12 slides |
Hurricane Season is Here
Tropical cyclone is the general term that describes a low pressure system that originates over the tropical oceans. |
 20 slides |
It's Electric, Take Cover!
Breath-taking photos of all varieties of lightning. |
 25 slides |
Personal Safety During Lightning
85% of the lightning strike victims are children and young men (10 to 35 years old) engaged in work & recreation (US data). |
 45 slides |
Personal Safety During Lightning (modified)
Lightning follows Benjamin Franklin’s maxim of Path of Least Resistance through the air and along or through the ground. |
 16 slides |
Severe Weather Training
Many recent deaths associated with flash flooding occurred because people attempted to drive their vehicles across a flooded low-water crossing and were swept away by the floodwaters. |
 PPS |
Stop Complaining
Photo illustrating ridiculously nasty snow and ice conditions many of us will hopefully never see.
 95 slides |
Be Prepared for Winter Driving
You must understand how cold weather effects your vehicle before, during, and after operation. |
 PPS |
Extreme Winter Weather
Photo-filled presentation of extreme winter weather scenes. |
 16 slides |
Weather and Climate
Even though it is impossible to directly link global climate change to a particular event, many of these extreme events are consistent with expected changes from a warming climate. Evidence is beginning to show a pattern consistent with scientists’ predictions of consequences resulting from climate change.
 27 slides |
Climate Change Scepticism: The Great Debate
Climate Change = The change in average conditions of a particular place over a long period of time. (We usually link ‘climate change’ to rising temperatures but this is NOT the full story). It’s better to think of climate change causing more extreme and unpredictable events around the world.
 18 slides |
Tornado Quiz
Contains 14 questions and answers about tornados and other severe weather phenomenon. Quite informative. |
 22 slides |
Severe Summer Weather
Discusses all forms of severe weather and provides tips to keep you and your family safe. |