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How to Walk on Ice
One animal that has figured this out is a penguin. Think of yourself as a penguin and you’ll be all right.
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Heat Related Injuries/Illnesses
Heat is the #2 weather-related killer in the United States (206), greater than hurricanes (9), floods (113), and lightning strikes (26) combined. Only tornadoes had more fatalities (553). |
Red Cross Resources
The American Red Cross has created this Disaster and Safety Library to assist you in preparing your home, school and workplace in the event of a disaster or emergency. Here you will find fact sheets, preparedness checklists, recovery guides and other helpful information to keep you informed and safe.
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Cold Stress
January is the height of the cold season and we’re not talking about sniffles and sneezes, but the reality of working outdoors in freezing conditions, coupled with wind and driving snow. Working outdoors in winter is often more than uncomfortable. It can be life-threatening if hypothermia sets in.
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Surface Water Inundation Hazard
Heavy spring rains increase the potential for the inundation of underground coal mines from surface runoff. Even moderate rainfall coupled with melting snow can result in significant runoff.
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Lightning Strikes Parked Truck
During an afternoon storm a parked Cat 789C truck was struck by lightning causing the three near side tyres to explode some 4 minutes after the strike. The air blast and shock wave caused damage to the truck and broke several windows in the nearby buildings including the windscreen of a water truck that was parked nearby. Some rim components were found 300m away from the truck.
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Walking Safely in Winter
You can take a few simple measures to make it safer to walk outdoors in the winter. Remove snow and ice, put sand or salt on areas where people walk, and wear the right footwear. These precautions all make a big difference.
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Winter Driving: Anti-Lock Braking Systems
ABS is a fantastic aid to driver safety, but only if you know what it does and how to use it in emergencies – which many people don’t.
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Climate Change Explained
There is clear evidence to show that climate change is happening. Measurements
show that the average temperature at the Earth’s surface has risen by about 0.8°C over
the last century. 13 of the 14 warmest years on record have occurred in the 21st
century and in the last 30 years each decade has been hotter than the previous one.
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Climate Change
Climate change is a long-term shift in the statistics
of the weather (including its averages). For example, it could show up as a change in climate normals (expected average values for temperature and precipitation) for a given place and time of year, from one decade to the next.
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The Economics of Climate Change
The Review first examines the evidence on the economic impacts of climate change itself, and explores the economics of stabilising greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The second half of the Review considers the complex policy challenges involved in managing the transition to a low-carbon economy and in ensuring that societies can adapt to the consequences of climate change that can no longer be avoided.
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Frequently Asked Questions About the Science of Climate Change
This document was first published in 2002 to provide reliable, credible responses to the most frequently heard questions and arguments about climate change science.