39 slides |
Hand Safety
- Men are 9 times more likely to receive a hand injury than women.
- Most hand injuries could have been avoided with adequate PPE.
- The most common type of hand injury is a crushing injury.
 17 slides |
Acid Burn
An Instrument Tech either used a glove with an existing hole or may have punched a hole in the glove from a wire snag while climbing scaffolding. |
 43 slides |
Bloodborne Pathogen Protection
Purpose is to protect employees from health hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens. |
 22 slides |
Chemical Protection
PPE for those who handle chemicals. |
 27 slides |
Eye and Face Protection
Thousands of people are blinded each year from work-related eye injuries. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), nearly three out of five workers are injured while failing to wear eye and face protection. |
 31 slides |
Eye and Face Protection for the Construction Industry
Presentation from People First that covers Eye and Face Protection for the construction industry. |
 29 slides |
Foot Protection
For protection of feet from falling or rolling objects, sharp objects, molten metal, hot surfaces, and wet slippery surfaces workers should use appropriate safety shoes, or boots. |
 28 slides |
Hand Protection at Work
Your hands are one of your most valuable tools. Nothing has ever been invented that can match them in usefulness and adaptability. That’s why it’s so important to learn how to protect them, both at work and at home!
 PPS |
Hand Injury Prevention: Best Practices in Body Positioning
Sometimes when we loose sight of our hands, we loose sight of what the dangers are. If you have to put your hands in a machine, an opening or some place where you loose sight of your hands, your only way of knowing what you’re doing is by feel.
 PPS |
Hand Injury Prevention: Hand and Body Positioning
Hand positioning is one of the most important things we should train on.
 PPS |
How Do Hand Injuries Happen?
Discusses the primary causes of hand injuries and ways to avoid them.
 22 slides |
Your hands are one of your greatest assets. And, as such, must be protected and cared for.
 18 slides |
Hard Hat Safety
Discusses the history of the hard hat. |
 20 slides |
Hard Hat Test
Upon satisfactory completion of the test, you will receive a beautiful embossed certificate suitable for framing. |
 11 slides |
Hats Off Test
Humerous look at the serious subject of Hard Hat Safety. |
 PPS |
How Do Hand Injuries Happen?
Discusses the primary causes of hand injuries and ways to avoid them.
 2 slides |
Home Safety Tip
While doing some home remodeling, this guy lost his hardhat after striking something above. See what he hit. |
 26 slides |
Occupational and Educational Personal Eye and Face Protection Devices
Discusses PPE for the eyes and face. |
 39 slides |
Personal Protective and Lifesaving Equipment for Construction
Discusses PPE and lifesaving equipment for construction. |
 33 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment
Discusses PPE and lifesaving equipment for industry. |
 39 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment
Presentation on PPE from the OSHA Office of Training and Education. |
 44 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment
The employer must assess the workplace and determine what hazards may necessitate the use of PPE before assigning PPE to workers. |
 16 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment - An Employee Awareness & Training Course
Discusses PPE and lifesaving equipment for industry. |
 33 slides |
PPE: What Employees Need to Know
Discusses all aspects of personal protective equipment that employees need to know. Excellent use of images throughout the presentation. |
 48 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment
The employer shall assess the workplace to determine if hazards are present, or are likely to be present, which necessitate the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
 46 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment
Employer must train employees before issuing PPE in at least these things:
- When PPE is necessary
- What PPE is necessary
- How to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE
- Limitations of the PPE
- Proper care, maintenance, useful life and disposal of the PPE
 75 slides |
Personal Protective Equipment and Tool Safety
Employees must be protected from harm. Common methods for doing this are Engineering Controls, Work Practices, Administrative Controls and, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Sometimes one or more of the above is used and at times all are used to provide adequate protection.
 25 slides |
Toolbox Talk: A Guide to Personal Protective Equipment
Employers have basic duties concerning the provision and use of PPE equipment at work. This guide explains what you need to do to meet the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (as amended).