How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
General Laboratory Safety Training This powerpoint presentation, created by the Illinois State University is compliant to OSHA Regulation 29 CFR 1910.1450.
14 slides
Biological Laboratory Safety This presentation on Biological Laboratory Safety is produced by The University of Sheffield. We should know that there are additional hazards from using biological materials.
14 slides
Safety In the Science Lab: Rules and Symbols This presentation is provided by Mrs. Page, a teacher in Korea International School. Safety symbols are natural sights in any laboratory. The use of these symbols will not be effective if we are not aware of their meaning, so here is an overview of the basic safety symbols we may encounter in the laboratory.
27 slides
Safety and Rules of the Lab This presentation on Safety and Rules of the Lab is provided by Greenwood School District 50. Information on lab safety must be given in order to maintain a safe environment.
32 slides
How to handle laboratory waste This presentation is provided by Dept. of Botany & Zoology Stellenbosch University. These hazardous wastes should be given proper label and must be placed in a safe and designated area. The type of container to keep these wastes are also identified for safety measures.
37 slides
Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules Chemistry Laboratories has major differences from other labs and these result in different safety procedures as well. In general, a chemistry lab deals mainly with chemicals which should be handled with great precaution.
10 slides
Lab Safety at the Oro Grande Lab safety training at Oro Grande mirrors the comprehensive plant safety training plan required by 30 CFR Part 46.
Hazardous Materials PowerPoint Presentation Resources Browse these additional categories of hazardous elements, compounds and chemicals for more PowerPoint presentations.
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