Time Magazine Cover Image
253 US cities listed on Time magazine's August 2019, the number of mass shooting so far in the year. The cover comes after a weekend of deadly mass shootings in
Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, and as calls to do something about gun violence and domestic terrorism ramp up
again. "TIME's new cover: 'We are being eaten from within.' Why America is losing the battle against white nationalist terrorism,"
the magazine wrote in a tweet announcing the cover.
 43 slides |
Shots Fired on Campus
Any action taken, or not taken, during an active-shooter incident may involve life-threatening risk.
 20 slides |
Active Shooter Administration Training
Hostage situations can develop from active shooter situations or have great potential to develop into them.
 26 slides |
Active Shooter Incidents
The active shooter is a suspect or assailant whose activity is immediately causing death and serious Injury.
 28 slides |
Community Preparedness for the Active Shooter
An active shooter Will continue to move throughout building/area until stopped by law enforcement, suicide or other intervention.
 57 slides |
Hospital Violence - Active Shooter
Your top priority when violence occurs is to protect yourself and your patients.
 52 slides |
Active Shooter
An “Active Shooter” is an individual engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, in most cases, active shooters use firearms.
 47 slides |
Active Shooter: What You Can Do
This presentation from FEMA discusses everyone's role during active shooter incidents.
 56 slides |
Active Shooter Awareness
The next Active Shooter incident is already in progress, but you haven’t heard about it yet. The shooter began his meticulous preparation and planning months, sometimes years in advance.
 22 slides |
Pre-Incident Indicators
Discusses behaviors of concern in the workplace.
 18 slides |
Active Shooter
The intent of the following guidelines are: to provide guidance to those who may be caught in an Active Shooter Situation; to identify an Active Shooter; and to provide guidance as to what to expect from responding Law Enforcement. |
 21 slides |
Armed Aggressor Training
These events are local, it is not just occurring in major urban areas hundreds of miles away. It is happening in our own back yards.
Active Shooter Tabletop Exercises
Provides search results to numerous tabletop exercises designed to improve your active shooter scenario awareness, preparation and response.
 47 slides |
Active Shooter
Learn about what you might expect from law enforcement during an active shooter response, and also about ideas and methods of response for school personnel.
 25 slides |
Active Shooter Situational Awareness
Situational awareness involves being aware of what is happening in the environment, in order to understand how information, events, and one's own actions will impact both immediate and future outcomes.
 46 slides |
Run, Hide, Fight
The key point to remember is that the shooter’s intent is generally not on taking hostages and entering in a negotiation phase with law enforcement.
 33 slides |
Active Shooter Response Training
One of the objectives of this presentation is to provide options to enhance survival when confronted with an Active Shooter.
 11 slides |
Theories and Rationale Behind Mass Shootings
As defined by the FBI, a mass shooting is an attack in which a minimum of four victims are killed and the murders take place in a relatively close proximity with no cooling off period.
 27 slides |
Mass Murderers
These people believe if they commit suicide they will lose their families and not be able to care for them, so they illogically convince themselves that the best way forward is to kill them all and meet them on the other side.
Active Shooter PDF Files
Browse our collection of Active Shooter files in PDF format. |