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Mantos Blancos Highwall Fatality
Captioned photos describe this highwall fatality at Mantos Blancos.
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Highwall and Portal Safety Bulletin
Highwall Stability is the subject of this safety bulletin from MSHA with related best practices.
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Highwall and Shovel Safety Bulletin
Highwall Stability is the subject of this safety bulletin from MSHA with related best practices.
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Highwall Hazards
On August 30, 2003 a mobile equipment operator was injured while working at a surface coal mine. The miner was operating a Hitachi hydraulic shovel when a 35-foot wide by 35-foot high section of the highwall toppled onto the operator’s cab, pinning him inside. The victim was removed from the shovel and transported to a hospital where he was treated and released.
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Kentucky Highwall Safety Alert
This alert is a result of several highwall failures that have occurred within the state, one of which resulted in the loss of one of our fellow miners.
Highwall Safety Videos
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Highwall Safety PowerPoint Presentations
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