No Big Deal
This video highlights the success story of a rock driller who, while working on top of a highwall, survived a fall and was not injured because he was wearing fall protection equipment. The video contains interviews, including the personal account of the accident. It also points out best practices regarding the dangers of working on top of highwalls and the proper use of personal fall protection equipment.
Working Beside Highwalls
To increase your awareness of highwall safety, this video lets you follow a supervisor as he makes his rounds at a surface mine operation.
Highwall Hazard Recognition
If your job puts you on or near highwall operations, you need to be especially careful. This video shows an experienced truck driver training a new employee about the dangers of highwalls.
Inspecting Highwalls
A shift supervisor contemplates "What Could Happen" involving real life, mine site work situations. As he assigns work duties, he mentally reviews recent fatalities that have occurred in the mining industry. The supervisor returns to each work site to review safety procedures with employees.
Highwall Mining: Terex SHM
The highwall mining machine, Terex SHM Miner, is the most advanced, reliable, and efficient highwall mining system in the world. It is the first practical highwall coal mining system capable of mining parallel entries to predetermined depths, thus linking surface and underground operations to maximize coal recovery and profits.