Underground Coal: Pre-Shift Inspection
Don Conrad, Mining Consultant, begins the video by discussing a fatal mine accident that involved pre-shifting. Frank Kolarik, a foreman at an underground coal mine discusses the basic practices that are part of an underground foreman's pre-shift exam duties. Mike Brnich, NIOSH, discusses the importance of quality pre-shift exams. Frank also discusses the principles of mine gases, maintaining ventilation controls and rockdusting as well as making good roof checks and air flow measurements. Jim Pablic, Safety Manager at AMFIRE Mining Co., LLC concludes the video.
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Vermillion Grove Mine in Illinois
Peabody and the Weather Channel travel back in time at Vermilion Grove Mine. First ever video shot of 300-million-year-old rain forest in the Illinois Basin. |
December 6 - National Miners' Day
In 2009, Congress proclaimed that each December 6th would be recognized in remembrance of the 1907 Monongah coal mine disaster, which resulted in the deaths of 362 miners and became the worst industrial accident in American history.
How Do They Do It
This video features coal production at the Bailey and Enlow Fork mines of Consol Energy. The video takes you through the development of a longwall section to shipping the coal to market.
Pot Noodle Welsh Miners
Real life in Wales, noodle style.
Pot Noodle Shortage
The Welsh miners are in trouble.
Eight Million Pound Dragline Crosses New Mexico
Peabody Energy's 8 million pound dragline completed a historic journey from the company's Lee Ranch Mine northwest of Grants, New Mexico, more than 20 miles to its new home at the El Segundo Mine. Transporting one of the world's most massive machines required precision and planning. The Bucyrus-Erie 1570-W dragline was carried across the high desert by a specialized 600-wheel vehicle. NASA uses a similar method to haul space shuttles, and the new approach abbreviated the move and eliminated the need for electric power.
"We Are ... MSHA"
Mining is an occupation where our miners face many dangerous working conditions. This is why the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) was formed. This video is an overview of our mission, which is to help improve workplace safety and health conditions in our Nation's mines through enforcement, education and training, and technical support.
What Not to Do with Equipment
The pictures speak for themselves.
Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Mining History
Part 1 of 3. A short documentary about Anthracite coal mining history in Northeast Pennsylvania. Filmed in a coal mine.
Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Mining History
Part 2 of 3. A short documentary about Anthracite coal mining history in Northeast Pennsylvania. Filmed in a coal mine.
Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal Mining History
Part 3 of 3. Timbering is the most common roof support method used in underground anthracite mines. The system of timbering is governed by the character of the top and bottom, thickness of the coal vein, pitch of the coal vein, life of the entry, haulage system, and the operator's approved roof control plan. This video demonstrates the fundamentals and characteristics used in installing typical timber sets: single prop, post and bar (two-piece sets), and "double timber" (three-piece sets).
30 Days in the Hole
Photos of huge holes from around the world, mining machines and people set to the song 30 Days in the Hole by Humble Pie.
Command for Dozing
A remote control system, Command for dozing is available for Cat D10T and D11T Track-Type Tractors. A line-of-site operator console enables control of the machine from a safe distance away from the working area.
Underground Coal: Pre-Shift Inspection
Frank Kolarik, a foreman at an underground coal mine discusses the basic practices that are part of an underground foreman's pre-shift exam duties.
Discusses the evolution of health and safety laws and the role of the supervisor. Great vintage and modern-day scenes throughout the video.
Digital Mining Photograph Archive
The MSHA Digital Library photograph collection includes over 1,000 historical mining photographs from the original Bureau of Mines collection. These photographs cover a wide range of topics connected to mining, including underground, community, mine rescue, and historical scenes. New images will be added to the collection on a regular basis.
Mining PDF Files
Browse our collection of Mining files in PDF format. |
Ground Control in Underground Limestone Mines
Roger Mellville, Garrett Limestone Co., Inc. discusses both outside and in the limestone mine basic steps to insure that roof and pillars are free from loose rock. He provides quality safety information and shares real-life experiences for new or experienced miners.
Supervising the Unimaginable
This DVD was produced by American Infrastructure and Martin Stone Quarries. Everyone tries to lead responsibly. Will you look at things differently after you've experienced a fatality on your watch? Hear it from three managers from different companies who have been there.
"Reflections" Mining History
Explores the evolution of health and safety laws and the role of the supervisor.
Fuel of Britain
Check out this Pot Noodle advertisement! You'll love it!
Arc Flash Awareness
An arc flash is the sudden release of electrical energy through the air when a high-voltage gap exists and there is a breakdown between conductors. An arc flash gives off thermal radiation (heat) and bright, intense light that can cause burns. Temperatures have been recorded as high as 35,000 F. High-voltage arcs can also produce considerable pressure waves by rapidly heating the air and creating a blast. This pressure burst can hit a worker with great force and send molten metal droplets from melted copper and aluminum electrical components great distances at extremely high velocities.
Hazards in Motion
Hazards In Motion teaches mobile equipment safety for underground miners. The video follows the misadventures of Ben, a new miner with a short attention span and big ego. Through a series of bad choices, a couple near-death experiences, and some divine intervention, Ben learns the basics of working safely in a modern mechanized mine.
Today's Technology Needs Tomorrow's Heroes
Highly trained mine rescue teams have worked diligently in dangerous environments to rescue miners and to recover coal mines. These men and women have been aided by the newest technologies available to protect them and to respond rapidly to the dangers present in coal mines. As younger miners enter the workforce, mentors are encouraged to pass on the wisdom of their experiences. These young miners and mine companies are reminded that mine rescue teams benefit both the individual miner and the mining company.
Scaling, the taking down of loose material from the roof, face and rib in hard rock mining. This videotape will remind you of some of the safety procedures and common sense practices to use during scaling.
Dawn of a New Day: Continuous Haulage Safety
DVD594 (Was VC861) - 1998. This video addresses the hazards associated with continuous face haulage systems.
Reason for Change (Canopy Save)
DVD599-S (Was VC844, VC993-S) - 1997. This is Part 1 in English. Danny Terry survived a massive roof fall because his ram car had a canopy. In his interview, Danny admits he did not like canopies, but now he is a firm believer in canopies . . . he wouldn't run any equipment without one.
Fatal Alert: Entry Into Storage Silos
DVD587 (Was VC943) - 1999. This video addresses the hazards involved in cleaning a storage silo. You'll hear from a rescue worker who describes a recovery operation of a worker who fell into one of the silos.
Winter Alert
DVD512-S - 2000. This video describes the four lines of defense to guard against mine explosions. The four interrelated lines of defense are ventilation, examinations, ignition sources, and rock dusting. Proper attention to each of these areas can greatly reduce the chances of an explosion at your mine.
Stay Out of the Danger Zone
DVD540-S - 1999. This video describes several fatalities that occurred with the use of remote controlled continuous mining machines. You will also hear from a survivor of a continuous mining machine accident as he describes his injuries and stresses the importance of staying out of the danger zones of this type of mining equipment.
Minefield for China coal workers
Coal fuel's China's booming economy, but the country's coal mining industry has the worst safety record in the world.
Mining PowerPoint Presentations
Browse our collection of Mining PowerPoint Presentations. |