Digital Mining Photograph Archive
The MSHA Digital Library photograph collection includes over 1,000 historical mining photographs from the original Bureau of Mines collection. These photographs cover a wide range of topics connected to mining, including underground, community, mine rescue, and historical scenes. New images will be added to the collection on a regular basis.
 22 slides |
More Humor from There I Fixed It
More humorous oddities from the "There I Fixed It" web site. |
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2006 Drill Rig Accident
Photos from a drill rig accident that occurred in 2006. |
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Iranshahr Thermal Power Plant Coupling Fatigue
Photos of the aftermath of a 2009 accident at a thermal power plant. |
 8 slides |
Near Miss - Haul Truck vs Pickup
Indonesian mining contractor accident of a haul truck and pickup. Must see photos. |
 62 slides |
New York Crane Collapse
This PowerPoint Presentation consists of photos and text mined from the web pertaining to the fatal New York crane collapse which occurred in May 2008. |
 15 slides |
Memorable Moments
Heavy equipment accident photos. |
 13 slides |
Securing the Load
Aftermath photos of a fatal truck accident which occurred near Denver. Portions of the load, steel pipe, was sent thrusting through the cab, fatally injuring the driver. |
 17 slides |
Tank farm fire in Kuwait
Photos of a tank farm fire in Kuwait. |
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Train Fire Burns Trestle
Amazing photos of a wooden railroad trestle caught on fire by a trains overheated brakes. |
 129 slides |
Filled with photos illustrating the various and unique ways we manage to wreck vehicles. |
 104 slides |
Hand Injuries
This presentation contains intense accident photos. Illustrates the gruesome aftermath of hand injuries. |
 81 slides |
Unsafe Practices
Here's a collection of photos showing the many ways people take risks everyday. |
 8 slides |
Workplace Dangers
Humorous safety parody asking you to spot the dangers presented in photos.
 28 slides |
Asbestos Illustrations
This presentation includes photos of materials containing asbestos. |
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My Favorite Philosophy
Cool PowerPoint show containing spectacular photos and thought provoking text to bring things into perspective. Would make a good closer to any training session. |
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Can I Borrow Your Snatch Strap?
Collection of photos where a variety of vehicles have been found in need of a tow, jerk or drag. |
 13 slides |
Acetylene Van Explosion
Photos of a violent explosion in a residential area originated by an acetylene gas cylinder in a plumber's van. |
 31 slides |
Compressed Cylinder Safety
This presentation contains photos of poor practices in the storage and handling of compressed gas cylinders. |
 33 slides |
Compressed Gas Safety
This presentation contains photos depicting hazardous situations in the safe handling of compressed gases. |
 8 slides |
Dial Before You Dig
A blast from the past. Photos of the aftermath of a ruptured gas line caused by a farmer's use of a post hole digger. |
 103 slides |
OSHA Construction Site Photos
Pictures of construction sites along with regulatory deficiencies. Poor use of colors throughout the presentation. |
 14 slides |
Outstanding Construction Awards
Hilarious photos of a number of bonehead mistakes made by builders. |
 13 slides |
Hoover Dam Bypass Construction Photos
Photos of the construction project for the dam bypass bridge. |
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Lunch on the Skyscraper
Vintage photos of construction workers relaxing and working hundreds of feet in the air. Breath taking. |
 49 slides |
Conveyor and Crusher Safety
Contains photos and legal requirements of Part 56 pertaining to conveyors and crushers. |
 8 slides |
250t Leibherr Crane Mishap
Gillespie crane support outrigger punches through slab causing crane to lose balance and collapse across the site and onto adjoining property. |
 8 slides |
250 Tonne Crane Incident
Additional photos of the Gillespie crane incident (above). |
 16 slides |
Freeport Indonesia Land Slide
Contains photos of the land slide that occurred at a Freeport Indonesia gold mine. |
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The BHN Disaster
This is a PowerPoint show which includes photos and description of the ASCO drilling platform disaster. |
 60 slides |
Quecreek Mine Rescue
PowerPoint Show of the Quecreek Mine Rescue.
 9 slides |
Audi RS6 Accident Photos
Photos of the aftermath of an accident involving an Audi RS6. The car split in two and the driver walked away unharmed. |
 19 slides |
How Fast Must You Be Going To Do This?
PowerPoint show containing eye-opening photos of the destruction of an Audi caused by excessive speed. |
 129 slides |
Wrecks - Is Your Insurance Paid Up?
Huge presentation file containing 128 photos of wrecked vehicles of all types. |
 14 slides |
Civil Engineering Learnings
Unbelievable photos of a 12-story building that has fallen intact in China. |
 20 slides |
Big Spring Refinery Fire Photos
With industry residing close to our neighborhoods, hazards to the public become enormous when disaster strikes. On February 18, 2008, an explosion occurred at an oil refinery in Big Spring, Texas owned by Alon USA.
 16 slides |
Finding a Bee in Your Bonnet
An amazing tale along with even more amazing photos. Take heed when it comes time to uncover your BBQ grill. |
 6 slides |
Animal Hazards in Guyana
Photos of 4 critters you might want to avoid the next time you're in Guyana. |
 56 slides |
CNG Auto Fire/Explosion
Amazing aftermath photos and description of an accident involving a CNG powered car. |
 34 slides |
Walking and Working Surfaces
Illustrations and photos hilite this presentation on the regulatory requirements of fall protection. |
 13 slides |
Working at Height
Photos illustrate "The Good Ole Days" before fall protection regulations. |
 22 slides |
Identified Workplace Hazards
Photos illustrate hazards of fall along with discussion on fall protection. |
 35 slides |
General Unsafe Things
Here's a collection of photos that have been circulating along with short captions which express volumes about those things we do to hurt ourselves. |
 18 slides |
Safety at Work
Photos of 17 award-winning activities illustrating man's desire to flaunt safety and health practices. Some old, some new. |
 20 slides |
You Are What You Eat
This presentation takes you through photos and facts about 20 fast foods you should avoid if you want to enjoy healthy living. |
 54 slides |
Are You Prepared?
Contains vintage photos, including the Sunshine Mine Fire. |