How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
China Subcontractors Here are a few slides that could be used at a safety meeting. Provide everyone with paper and pencil; throw each slide on the screen for 90 seconds; ask attendees to jot down every safe and every at-risk practice they see on the slides.
Hand Safety Stresses the importance of caring for your hands and the use of PPE.
52 slides
Knowledge Review Mandatory health and safety standards quiz in PowerPoint format.
44 slides
Mine Terms for New Miners Ideal for New Miner training, this presentation contains everyday terms and definitions used in mining.
52 slides
New Miner Alert & Powered Haulage The first half of this presentation reviews accident statistics for a recent 5-year period providing information on "new miner" accidents and fatalities. The second half includes information and photos covering several powered haulage accidents.
Generations No magic birth date makes you a part of a particular generation. The events and conditions each of us experience during our formative years determine how we are and how we see the world. As a result of these events and conditions, each generation has adopted it’s own generational personality. These conditions and events shape our attitudes, values and work styles.
Training the Different Generations This file provides a collection of web sites which contain information to help you understand and overcome the difficulties of training across generational lines. Search tips to locate more resources are also included.
40 slides
Part 48 Training Details the requirements of Part 48. Developed by MSHA Educational Field Services.
Top Training and Safety Complaints Very nicely done presentation with humorous photos illustrating the top safety and training complaints we all hear.
1 slide
Generational Motivation Tips and Tricks Whether "Boomer," "Gen X," or "Gen Y / Millennials," these lists may help identify their characteristics when training the different generations.
Miner Training PowerPoint Resources Browse these additional Miner and Supervisory Training categories for more PowerPoint Presentation resources.