united states mine rescue association
Mine Safety Training
PowerPoint Presentations

How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint
This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint.  For more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Category: MSHA Inspections
View all files in this category

33 slides
Managing an Inspection
Detailed information for mining company safety inspectors on how to manage an MSHA mine inspection.

MSHA Inspections: Terms and Things You Should Know
Good presentation for supervisors and safety inspectors.  Accept the fact that you don't know everything.

70 slides
Violation 101 - Start to Finish
A significant percentage of citations and orders are overturned during the legal process for reasons such as:
  • Failure to cite the appropriate standard
  • Assumptions or suspicions not based on facts
  • Failure to properly evaluate:
    • the degree of gravity
    • exposure to the hazard or
    • the operator’s negligence

15 slides
How to conduct yourself on an MSHA inspection
Useful tips to those involved in the inspection process to improve outcomes for both yourself and your company.

11 slides
How You Know The MSHA Inspection Is Going Down the Tubes
For example: The MSHA Inspector begins the closing conference with the following: "You have the right to remain silent..."

39 slides
Take Responsibility for Accident Prevention
From MSHA, this program emphasizes that we all take responsibility to prevent accidents.

TRAP Program - Task Training
This is a Powerpoint Show covering the elements of MSHA's TRAP Program.
MSHA Inspections PDF Files
Browse our collection of MSHA Inspections files in PDF format.

1 slide
Bang Your Head Here!
A humorous look at dealing with the mine safety regulatory agency.

73 slides
MSHA Inspections and Procedures
Covers all aspects of the knowledge base, duties and responsibilities of an MSHA inspector.  A must read for all safety personnel.

22 slides
Traveling with the MSHA inspector
The intent of Congress was to provide an opportunity for a representative of the miners and a representative of the operator to accompany inspectors during the physical inspection of the mine.

63 slides
Guarding Conveyor Belts
This guide provides compliance information to help the metal and nonmetal mining industry meet current requirements of the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (MSHA’s) guarding standards addressing conveyor belts.

130 Kb
Self-Inspection Checklist
This may interest many because it goes beyond MSHA to office spaces and things covered more by OSHA than MSHA, including training for office persons.

Want More MSHA Inspections PowerPoints?
Use this Google Search Link External Link to find practically everything the web has to offer on MSHA Inspections in PowerPoint format.


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