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How to conduct yourself on an inspection
Useful tips for company safety inspectors on how to conduct yourself on an inspection.
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How to conduct yourself on an inspection
Another version of the above document. Many items duplicated, however, this file contains more pages.
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Self-Inspection Checklist
This may interest many because it goes beyond MSHA to office spaces and things covered more by OSHA than MSHA, including training for office persons.
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MSHA Math Test Preparation Guide
This guide is designed to help prepare you for the examination process. The Mine Safety and Health Inspector math examination is the second step, following the application, for employment consideration as a Mine Safety and Health Inspector.
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Frequently Inspected or Most often Cited
If an MSHA inspector comes to your property for an inspection, the following is a list of regulations commonly covered. Remember, all mine operators are required to be in compliance with ALL regulations that apply to their mine. However, the following is a good starting checklist for you. You can use this list as a guide for self-inspections of your property.
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Contractors Truck Inspection
Sample checklist citing specific Part 77 rules pertaining to contractor trucks.
MSHA Inspections PowerPoint Presentations
Browse our collection of MSHA Inspections PowerPoint Presentations. |