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Exploring Civil Drone Accidents and Incidents to Help Prevent Potential Air Disasters
This study was designed to explore the accidents and incidents that are occurring in the civil RPAS
sector of the aviation industry. This was motivated by a goal to improve safety in civil RPAS operations
and thus provide reassurance for the general and flying public in light of the alleged collision between
a “drone” and a British Airways Airbus A320 on 17 April 2016. |
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Alaska’s Drone Operator Safety and Privacy Guidelines
The purpose of this publication is to provide informational aid and overview of certain federal and state laws that may apply to drone/UAS operation. This publication is not intended to provide legal advice or a comprehensive review of all federal and state laws relating to drone/UAS operation.
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Aviation industry calls for urgent action on drone safety
The European Regions Airline Association (ERA*), together with ECA, IATA, EHA, ACI EUROPE, IACA, A4E, IFALPA, IFATCA and CANSO, have jointly called for a number of urgent measures to be taken to ensure the safe operation of drones and to preserve the high level of safety in European airspace.
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Drone Safety
Now that drones, or small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), are readily available, Scouts and Scouters may be considering incorporating them in an activity or using them to capture photos and videos.
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Flying with Drones
Drones, or Unmanned Aircraft Systems—UAS— create substantive (if not profound) new capabilities, opportunities, and benefits. But as drones become more common, manned aircraft operators face new challenges. The FAA asserts that drones “are inherently different from manned aircraft” and “create situations not common to manned flight.”
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Drone Safety Awareness
By taking responsibility and flying legally & safely you will help the public perception of drone flying. KEEP US ALL FLYING!
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Drone Safety On and Off Campus
The use of drones or unmanned aerial systems (UAS) has been increasing dramatically on college and university campuses. At the same time there have been accidents and near-misses involving drones, including encounters with commercial aircraft.
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Flight Safety in the Drone Age
This technical paper serves as an internal working draft of the Permanent Editorial Board. Its primary purpose is to address the need for drone safety guidance for manned aircraft pilots. Its primary audience is manned aviation flight safety educators and policy professionals.
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Safe Use of Drones on University Premises
This guidance only refers to drones operated by a third party provider on behalf of the University.
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Proposed Legislation
Proposed legislation introduced bt Diane Feinstein to protect the safety of the national airspace system from the hazardous operation of consumer drones, and for other purposes.
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Fly Your Drone Responsibly
In light of the growing popularity of commercial and recreation use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), commonly referred to as drones, Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport Authority is advising operators of the procedures for notification and safe operation.
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Drone Safety
Drones are usually thought of as toys or hobbyist aircraft. However, they also constitute a substantial risk to your family, home and privacy. Whether or not you own a drone, it’s important that you’re aware of regulations and safety tips.
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Indoor Safety Guidelines
Flying drones indoors should be done in a safe manner. Flying a drone indoors has several risks such as flying into people, pets, furniture, ceilings and floors. Every drone functions differently so review the manuals to look for any specific requirements that the manufacturer has set forth for indoor flight.
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Making civilian drones safe
The Federal Aviation Administration acknowledges that its traditional processes for assuring the safety of airplanes and helicopters are unsuitable for the growing number of small drones.
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Are you safe with Drones in the sky?
Regardless of how a particular drone is used or how much it costs, all drones are susceptible to similar fault and failure conditions. These conditions can cause problems that range from the merely annoying (a drone that won’t start or take flight) to the catastrophic (a crash that causes major property damage or personal injury).
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Flight for Life Safety Poster
Flight for Life Safety Poster for recreational drone operators.
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FAA Safety Briefing
The May/June 2017 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on the exciting and ever-expanding world of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Feature articles answer the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How of UAS operations, including the regulatory and technical challenges they present.
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Establishing a Safe and Secure Municipal Drone Program
In the end, securing a municipal drone system requires a similar engineering process to that required to secure other computing based systems and airplanes. Unique challenges associated with drone systems require that security practitioners be flexible in their approaches to achieving their goals.
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Questions and Answers about Recreational/Hobby Drone Operation
A model aircraft is a non-human-carrying aircraft capable of sustained flight in the atmosphere. It may not exceed limitations of this code and is intended exclusively for sport, recreation, education and/or competition. All model flights must be conducted in accordance with this safety code and any additional rules specific to the flying site.
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Safety Risk Assessment for UAV Operation
The drone flight safety is the desired optimum state in which drone operations executed in certain circumstances can be controlled with an acceptable operational risk. By performing a safety risk assessment, commercial industry could help in advance to identify drone operation safety hazards.
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Minimizing Drone Risks on a Construction Site
A slide presentation contained within this document covers many aspects of minimizing drone risks on a construction site.
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UAS and Drone Safety
A slide presentation on drone usage from the LSU Agriculture Center.
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Drone/UAS Operator Safety Guidelines and FAQs about Privacy
How do we define privacy when it comes to Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) commonly known as drones? Because of the rapid development of UAS technology, this question is being contemplated worldwide, and new boundaries must be identified. A threat to safety can be pinpointed more easily because a person can see the aircraft, operator and its effects; on the other hand, a threat to privacy is not so easily pinpointed because it involves thought, sentiment, emotion and perception.
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UAV Safety Guidelines
Essential safety tips to follow during the building of UAVs and when flying them. |
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Use of Drones
Drones are becoming more popular as a teaching and research tool. The legal framework that regulates how they are operated is still developing and can be confusing. Drones do have the potential to cause serious harm to people and property, even causing deaths in rare cases. This policy aims to make sure that use of drones at the University is legal and safe.
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Where to Start with Drone Safety
Developing an Eco system of Safety around the use of unmanned systems has become the over arching goal for Wolf UAS LLC. By providing Standard Operating Procedures, Training, and Certification to the UAS industry, the industry becomes safer and more inclined to the type of success necessary to ensure future growth.
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Sample Drone Policy
Here's a number of excellent policies you should consider for your drone program.
Drone Safety PowerPoint Presentations
Browse our collection of Drone Safety PowerPoint Presentations. |