More 2015 Confined Space Information
New Guidelines on the enforcement of the Confined Spaces in Construction standard published on May 4, 2015 which went into effect on August 3, 2015.
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Confined Space Rescue
Slide presentation on confined space rescue prepared by the Safety Management Group.
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Confined Space Rescue Guides
Confined Space Rescue Guides from the Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training for facilitators and participants.
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Confined Space Rescue
This lesson discusses procedures for confined space rescue operations and emphasizes the need for safe operating procedures.
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Is 911 your Confined Space Rescue Plan?
OSHA recognizes that not all rescue services or emergency responders are trained and equipped to conduct confined space rescues. When employers identify an off-site rescue service, it is critical that the rescuers can protect their employees.
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Confined Space Entry Program
Only those employees who have been properly trained as outlined in this policy and equipped, at a minimum, in accordance with OSHA regulations will be allowed to enter a Class C confined spaced.
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Confined Space Double Fatality
On the 16th of February 2010 at approximately 18:00hrs, two contractor welders made unauthorized entry into a confined space and were overcome by a low Oxygen, Argon rich atmosphere.
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Final Rule: Confined Spaces in Construction
Published May 4, 2015, the final rule is similar in content and organization to the general industry confined spaces standard, but also incorporates several provisions from the proposed rule to address construction-specific hazards, accounts for advancements in technology, and improves enforceability of the requirements.
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Permit-Required Confined Spaces in General Industry
OSHA Quick Card: A confined space has limited openings for entry or exit, is large enough for entering and working, and is not designed for continuous worker occupancy. Confined spaces include underground vaults, tanks, storage bins, manholes, pits, silos, underground utility vaults and pipelines. |
Confined Space Videos
Browse our collection of Confined Space videos. |