"Don't Walk on By" Safety Music Video Star Leasing Company does it again with this Behavior Based Safety Industrial Music Video. A must see for everyone in every work environment. Song performed by Jaclyn Kromer. Produced by Nick James Productions.
Safety Begins with "YOU" (movie trailer) This is the popular Safety Begins with "YOU" movie trailer. Safety Video with a Star Wars flavor. Produced by Nick James Productions.
Denial Safety – It Wasn’t Me Star Leasing Company's own employees perform in this behavior based safety video that applies to every work environment. Produced by Nick James Productions.
Underground Coal: Pre-Shift Inspection Frank Kolarik, a foreman at an underground coal mine discusses the basic practices that are part of an underground foreman's pre-shift exam duties.
Safety First Mineral Mining Virginia DMME inspectors discuss tips to stay safe while working on a mine site or quarry.
Safety Rap Dominion VA Power video by Dennis McDade.
10 Commandments of Workplace Safety This safety video is called "The 10 Commandments of Workplace Safety" - produced in 2009 which features many current Australian WorkSafe/WorkCover themes.