Milford Mine Disaster of 1924 This song tells about Milka Magdich who lost her husband, Peter, one of 41 underground iron ore miners who perished in the Milford Mine Disaster in February 1924. Only seven of 48 who were working 165 feet down in the underground mine managed to safely escape. The night before the accident Milka had a dream that something bad was going to happen at the mine. She pleaded with her husband to stay home from work that day. Peter brushed off her concern as only a dream and told her everything would be ok. Fifteen minutes before their shift would have concluded, the mine was flooded when the earthen walls came crashing in on the workers because they encroached too closely to nearby
Foley Lake. See more about the Milford Mine Inundation.
Muddy Coal Mine The inspiration for the song "Muddy Coal Mine" by Rocky Alvey.