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Category: Animals
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1.0 Mb
Bear Attack
Who said it was a good idea to get this close to a bear?
2.2 Mb
Shocked Bear
Bear climbs a utility pole and gets shocked.
1.6 Mb
Spring Bok Supporter
Surprise awaits this cheetah while chasing his next meal.
2.7 Mb
Deer Gets Stuck in Swing
It almost looks like the deer is having a good time.
1.9 Mb
Bear Rescue
Watch as our would-be animal rescuers (or are they just the local VFD) attempt to rescue a black bear from a tree.
1.4 Mb
Man Fights Bear for Fish
Funny clip where a bear and a fisherman go at it over their prize catch.
2.4 Mb
Blaupunkt Pimp My Ride
Stuffed animals get the rhythym from the speakers of this Blaupunkt stereo.
1.3 Mb
Crocodile Trainer Gets Bit
Here's that inevitable occasion time when man puts his head in a crocodile's mouth.
1.3 Mb
Angry Leopard
This leopard doesn't like it when the park ranger pokes him with a stick.
3.2 Mb
The Lion Hunt
This video demonstrates what happens when this lion becomes the hunter.
542 Kb
Techno Penguin
Set to music, this excited penguin may be trying out for the bunny's job.
4.8 Mb
Bull Elk vs. Bull Buffalo
Here's a rarely seen sight as a bull elk squares off with a bull buffalo. Who's invading who's territory?
1.3 Mb
Spot Sneaks a Smoke
Man's best friend is outside sneaking a smoke.
1.0 Mb
Surprised Ice Fisherman
Ice fisherman gets a whale of a surprise!
2.6 Mb
Never Pull Off the Road to Poop
Here's what may happen the next you find you can't wait until the next rest stop.
5.5 Mb
Spain Needs a New Hobby
Things go terribly wrong when someone falls in a tunnel during the running of the bulls.
6.1 Mb
No Bullshit Poker
Four crazy people at a rodeo (3 from the audience) playing chicken with an angry bull.
2.9 Mb
Fishermen Get Some Help
Hungry reptile comes ashore looking for an easy meal.
Who Moved My Cheese
Demonstrates that life is full of options. How we approach that which we're faced and react to change is often a struggle but well worth the battle. Lose your paradigms and keep pace with inevitable change.
Trunk Monkey - The Entire Collection
We've got 15 Trunk Monkey videos and another 9 from Career Builder to keep you laughing for a long time.
1.0 Mb
New Car Feature
Must have car accessory to handle those times after washing your ride.
2.0 Mb
The Sleigh Ride
Funny beer ad about a romantic sleigh ride and a flatulent horse.
3.4 Mb
Does the Bull know he's part of the show?
Here we have a troup of daredevils going through their routine of tricks with a really pissed-off bull.
1.4 Mb
The Blonde Antelope
Amusing video where we watch a pair of lions waiting for their next meal.
801 Kb
Too Close to His Work
Branding animals can be dangerous work.
4.2 Mb
Jungle Alcohol (English)
Substance abuse in the animal kingdom. Very funny.
5.9 Mb
Jungle Alcohol (Foreign)
Substance abuse in the animal kingdom. Very funny. (longer version, even funnier)
3.0 Mb
Elk That Got Away
Huge elk comes within inches of a motionless hunter that fails to get a shot off.
713 Kb
New Mouse Don't Work
Funny video clip of two talking animals, learning how to use their new "mouse."
3.6 Mb
Eagle vs. Goat
If you bet on the eagle, you win.
1.8 Mb
Hacky Sack Squirrel
Foreign ad for a beverage which features a young lady baiting a squirrel that breaks into a hacky sack routine. Remarkable!
4.3 Mb
Hero Dog to the Rescue
Amazing video of a dog coming to the aid of another dog that's been struck by a car on busy highway. Unbelievable!
813 Kb
Needs to work on his technique
Here's another good reason why you shouldn't mess with wild animals.
2.0 Mb
Won't Do That Again!
Video clip that points out the danger that exists walking behind a horse.
4.4 Mb
Smart Dog
Video of a very well trained dog.
2.9 Mb
The Mouse and the Mousetrap
Funny cheese ad video with a twist.
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