How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Safe work at heights A fall hazard is an anything that exposes a worker or another person to the risk of a fall that may injure them.
13 slides
Working at Height in the Good Old Days Gravity had much the same strength in the 1930’s as it has now. Then, as now, limbs were just as prone to break in a fall.
17 slides
Spectator Footpath Around Shifou Mountain in China Thousands of meters up the slopes of the Shifou Mountain in the Hunan Province, China, a team of workers, operating with little safety equipment, is building a footpath.
Safety Standards in the 1930s Breathtaking pictures showing very unsafe behaviors with workers building the Empire State Building in the 1930's.
6 slides
Protect yourself against a fall Use fall protection equipment when working outside a protective environment where you can fall over 2 meters to keep you safe.
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