How To Use the Translation Features of PowerPoint This how-to video will walk you through everything you need to know to get started using the translation features of PowerPoint. For
more information on using Translator with Microsoft PowerPoint, visit here.
Trench Boxes Illustrations and schematics of trench boxes.
52 slides
Trenching and Shoring Safety Covers the requirements of 29 CFR 1926.650-653 pertaining to trenching and shoring.
119 slides
Excavations and Trenching Excavating is one of the most hazardous construction operations. Most accidents occur in trenches 5-15 feet deep. Usually no warning before a cave-in.
37 slides
Trenching and Excavating Safety Trenches more than 5 feet, unless made in stable rock, require shoring or must have a stabilized slope.
65 slides
Caught In-Between Excavating is recognized as one of the most hazardous construction operations. Fatality rate for excavations is twice that of construction as a whole.
35 slides
Trench for the First Responder You will learn additional information about working safely around a trench rescue scene prior to the arrival of qualified trench rescue personnel.
23 slides
Trenching and Shoring Equipment used for protective systems must not have damage or defects that impair function. If equipment is damaged, the competent person must examine it to see if it is suitable for continued use. If not suitable, remove it from service until a professional engineer approves it for use.
36 slides
Excavation and Trenching Discusses the hazards of excavation and trenching and how to control them.
36 slides
Excavation and Trenching Discusses the hazards of excavation and trenching and how to control them.
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