25 slides |
1926 Subpart J - Welding and Cutting
Before a regulator to a cylinder valve is connected, the valve shall be opened slightly and closed immediately. (This action is generally termed "cracking" and is intended to clear the valve of dust or
dirt that might otherwise enter the regulator.)
 72 slides |
Hot Work/Welding Fires
“Where combustible materials, such as paper clippings, wood shavings, or textile fibers, are on the floor, the floor shall be swept clean for a radius of 35 ft. Combustible floors shall be kept wet, be covered with damp sand, or be protected by noncombustible or fire-retardant shields.”
 53 slides |
Welding Safety
Welding, by its very nature, has the opportunity to injure those actively engaged. Welding can use dual compressed gases or electrical sources; each capable of injury if not used properly. Methods used and environment in which used should be evaluated to determine and remedy potential hazards.
 16 slides |
A Guide to Safety While Arc Welding
A crash course in general and welding shop safety. Using these guidelines and precautions will provide a safer, more efficient workplace. |
 17 slides |
Hot Work Permits
Covers the use of the Hot Work Permit system as a primary means of preventing fires due to non-routine open flame and high temperature processes. |
 27 slides |
Oxy-Acetylene Safety Awareness
Explores oxy-acetylene safety and includes gases, cylinder contruction and regulators. |
 1 slide |
Sample Training Certificate
Certificate template for Welding Safety training. |
 65 slides |
Describes the requirements of 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Q. |
 31 slides |
Welding and Cutting
Designed for the construction industry, a safety program on welding and cutting hazards. |
 73 slides |
Welding and Cutting
Describes the requirements of 29 CFR 1926, Subpart J. |
Hot Work PDF Files
Browse our collection of Hot Work files in PDF format. |
Hot Work Videos
Browse our collection of Hot Work videos. |
 51 slides |
Welding Fumes (long version)
As vaporized metal cools, it condenses to reform as solid particles - Fume. |
 41 slides |
Welding Fumes (short version)
As vaporized metal cools, it condenses to reform as solid particles - Fume. |
 18 slides |
Hot Work Procedures and Permit Policy
Hot work is any temporary or permanent operation that involves open flames or produces heat and/or sparks. This includes, but is not limited to, brazing, cutting, grinding, soldering, torch-applied roofing, and welding.
 10 slides |
Welding and Oxy/Acetylene Cutting
Discusses safety and equipment topics for welding and cutting. |
 73 slides |
Welding Safety
Designed for industries regulated by OSHA, this presentation covers the legal requirements of welding safety. |
 42 slides |
Welding Safety
Welding safety presentation from the WY MSHA State Grant Program. |
 24 slides |
Welding, Cutting and Brazing
Describes the requirements of 29 CFR 1910, Subpart Q. |
 14 slides |
Welding, Cutting and Burning
Program covers the general safety hazards of welding and cutting. |
 30 slides |
Welding, Cutting and Brazing
Program covers the general safety hazards of welding and cutting. |
 8 slides |
Welding, Subpart J
An OSHA 500 course on welding safety. |